Weekend Wrap-Up
UPDATE: See Below!
Wow, what a weekend! Super Art Fight and Otakon all in one crazy weekend! I know I didn’t talk about such things much on this site. Such is the problem with being busy and going places, you don’t have time to tell people you’re going to see them.
Thursday night was Super Art Fight. First thanks go out to Kate, the winner of the SAF ticket contest I announced last week. She had some great entries and just barely beat out some other amazing posts to win tickets to the show. The show went very well, and I was tweeting throughout the night through both Rosscott and the Super Art Fight accounts. Turnout was great, and thanks to those of you who were kind enough to make it. At one point, I was called to the canvas to draw during the last Art Fight, something that hasn’t happened since SAF 1 over a year ago. I wish I’d had Adobe Illustrator and a plotter, but it great nonetheless. To see standings, pictures, and more check out the official Super Art Fight website. Oh, and special thanks to Dirk Tiede, who made the trip from Boston and didn’t even stay for Otakon!
Friday through Sunday was spent in the humbling halls of Artist Alley over at Otakon. Thanks go out to each of you fans who came to the table. I caught the names of Blcknwhtenred, Spelchec and Enshogirl, but the rest of you are pretty awesome as well. Seeing comments and emails and stats are one thing, but meeting people in person and realizing that those are people on the other end makes me feel wonderfully thankful and happy and satisfied in a very special way. Thank you.
Thanks to all the webcomic people from the weekend, of course! If I have to write paragraph after paragraph I’ll be here a while, so howdy to:
- Hawk and Ananth, who let me join them in the monster line of death outisde the Baltimore Convention Center
- Dern and Kendra, whose kindness knows no bounds.
- Kev and Blondie, whose insanity (and kindness) also knows no bounds.
- Mookie, Kilika, Garth, Steve and Brian, who always have time to remind me I’m actually a member of a community.
- Chris and Barb, Marty and Nick who remind me that I have great friends around me.
- Jennie, Dave and Otter, who make me wish I had more time to hang out and do more than just wave.
- And to anyone I missed, let me know and I’ll try and correct the oversight.
If you want to see me or Super Art Fight soon, I’ll be a guest at Connecticon with The System and with SAF July 30 – August 2nd. Be sure to come on Saturday if you want to see the Art Fight! For more upcoming things, check out the appearances page.
UPDATE: If you are a new reader to The System after finding me or my stuff at the con, comment here and let me know! Say hi to your new favorite way to waste time after XKCD hasn’t updated.