Oh yeah! I’ll be at Katsucon this weekend!
I went to Katsucon last year, (spoke on a few panels and everything) and I’m going again this year. Of course, it will be a little more interesting considering we are all still recovering from the SNOWMAGEDDON that has plagued DC for the last 2 weeks. I for one will have to be a little understocked, but I will be there and in high spirits! One thing is for certain:
If you are attending Katsucon, you should be sure to check out the Super Art Fight event we are holding Saturday afternoon at 2pm in Exhibit Hall A. Last year’s was the most amazing show to date, and we are looking to make this year even moreso.
So yes. Come to Katsucon. Come by my table. I’ll have shirts, prints, pins, and am up for just sitting around and answering questions, chatting, etc. I really go to these to hang out more than make big bucks, so have no shame about coming by just to say hi. The secret password is “I kern for keeps”. LINK TO THE CON SITE.