Speaking of RSS Feeds…
Thanks for those of you who wrote after the post I put up the other day. The emails and other comments have been awesome, and I’m glad to hear from people. I haven’t answered all the emails yet but I will for sure.
How’s it going with the RSS ads? If the stats are right we’re off to a good start making $2.00-$3.00 / day. Doesn’t sound like much I know, but it’s a profit. Combined with a better ad campaign that might actually start to add up. Stay tuned. Feedburner tells me we got 1,700 subscribers to the RSS (or as I like to call it, the RoSS feed). That’s awesome!
Oh and finally, an article popped up on BoingBoing today all about RSS feeds. The article is on posting full-text feeds vs. introduction-only feeds that drive traffic to the site. It’s got links to my main Mann and Daring Fireball, as well as some other interestingness. Read on if you like! LINK.