System in the Wild: Exit Fight Edition
From Systemic Brian comes this series of columns over at The Slate all about signage and wayfinding. It covers how standards were formed (Interstate vs Clearview even) all the way through Step 5 so far, about exit signs and their varied forms. If you’re at all interested in the design choices that get made with this stuff and what a large undertaking such a key part of our traveling infrastructure is, I definitely suggest you check out all in the 5-part series. Part 6 will be up by the time you guys see this as well, with something about online maps based on the graphic.
- Part 1: The Secret Language of Signs (Focusing on the highway system)
- Part 2: Lost in Penn Station (NYC subway signs!)
- Part 3: Legible London (Trying to navigate London and its Underground)
- Part 4: Do You Draw Maps? (Submit your own!)
- Part 5: The War Over Exit Signs
Thanks for sending it my way, Brian! Damn interesting! If you find anything, send it over to systemcomic at gmail!