System in the Wild: Indian Sleeping Edition
Welcome to another edition of System in the Wild! You send me interesting images that figure the sort of artwork you see here featured in the system, and I post them on the site giving credit where it’s due. If you find the like, send them over to systemcomic at the gmail dotting com. I tend to post in 3’s, and try to keep it to the ones that are actually funny / interesting.
Systemic Noah sends in this one from his trip to India. There’s another sign in the background too if you click the link… LINK »
Systemic Jory sends in this one that has our man wrestling with laundry detergent. We’ve all been there, right? LINK »
Here’s one I dug up myself from BoingBoing. The article is on same sex marriage and how many nay sayers don’t even know why they’re against it. LINK »