Cupcake Sandwich Contest Update: It’s too late!
It’s now totally too late to enter into the CUPCAKE SANDWICH contest. A whopping TWELVE amazing and totally valid entries have crossed the inbox! While we are figuring out how to best tally the votes (some special ideas have been planned) here are a few errata that have come up on the topic of cupcakes and sandwiches that can hold you over as we produce some final judgments:
First up is Systemic Rachel “ROFLcon” Mercer’s link to the Cupcake Hamburger Sandwich. It looks amazing and if she’d sent me some of these little goodies, I’d be hers forever she totally would’ve been in the running for the grand prize. LINK »
Next comes a link from Systemic Kate, an article on Jezebel titled Bakery Backlash: It’s A Cupcake, Not A Puppy. Clearly some people haven’t tried THE SANDWICH yet. LINK »
Finally, via Systemic Cledwyn via Soon-to-be-Systemic Andrew Sullivan (once SOMEONE can find me his address and I mail him a BEARDS shirt) comes a blog called Dudes with Beards Eating Cupcakes. Combines my love for the CUPCAKE SANDWICH with my love of BEARDS. LINK »