Cupcake Sandwich Contest Winners!
Remember about, oh, a month and a bit ago, when I stumbled upon a little thing called the CUPCAKE SANDWICH? At the time I announced a rather fun contest that more than a few people opted to enter. Entries poured in. Roger Ebert was intrigued (and RTed this post). Even Hurley from LOST got in on the action. And then, silence.
Behind the scenes, it was a harsh battle. A truly difficult decision rife with conflict and dissention. But finally, I am proud to announce that MY MOTHER HAS JUDGED THE CUPCAKE SANDWICH CONTEST.

RossMom, shown here not knowing how to turn on her camera.
After the jump and without further ado, I present to you RossMom’s deliberations and the results of the Cupcake Sandwich Contest.
First up, the entries. I showed her all of the entries and got her take on each one. The caption with each is a quote from her deliberatory period, excerpted for the sake of brevity. Please forgive the layout of this article. You can also click on any image to see it full size.

BREE: I love that fact that they look really delicious but there's no calories or sugar. Gotta be fantastic.

ROSS MCCOOL: Gets the most points for baking his. Anyone that bakes theirs from scratch gets extra points in my book (even if it is square).
QUICK NOTE: Ross also sent in a video of his being consumed. Here it is:

AMI: Hmm. Are they all pictures of the same cupcake? Ooh. Interesting. Awwwwwww. Ami's looks like a delicious muffin cake. Excellent picture.

VICKI: I love the photography, it's so elegant. It belongs in an ad for cake in a magazine. She wins for photography hands down. That belongs in a magazine.

JULIE: Since she says in her entry she's planning on ordering a shirt, she's automatically fabulous.
And now, the deliberation. RossMom’s words of wisdom:
My favorite is going to have to be Vicki. Oh, they didn’t make them, did they? Oh, well they can’t win. Okay so they just made the sandwiches but they gave them names. In that case, I would go with Ross McCool’s thing because I can watch them make it. I know since they made it there’s nothing I have to be afraid of. I admire bakers from scratch, especially GUY bakers from scratch. And you saw three people eating it!
And there you have it, ROSS MCCOOL IS OUR WINNER! Thank you to all of our entries, you all did great and showed the world just how cupcake sandwiches are made. You are a credit to pastry chefs and sandwich enthusiasts alike. Stay tuned on the site for more contest, during which I will hopefully be able to get things on a faster schedule. In the meantime, there’s comics. Read those for a while.
Thanks again, Systemics. You make this site into something special.