RSS Feed Issues (aka The System is Down)
It’s been reported by noble Systemics and friends that the RSS feed (or as I call it, the RoSS feed) on the site is acting somewhere between “Janky” and “Janked up”. I’m investigating and will be in touch.
If you fancy yourself someone that knows about things and would like to help me figure out the problem, shoot me a line! Twitter (@rosscott), email (systemcomic at the gmails), comment here and leave your info.
UPDATE: The RSS is now showing up as it was for me. You guys? Working?
ALSO UPDATE: Still, the RSS that runs through Feedburner seems to have lost about 1,500 people according to Feedburner’s stats. This seems somehow impossible and directly related to site up/down issues. Anyone know anything about Feedburner and what the hell?