The System 386: What Car Horns Are Really Saying
It’s friday, and I couldn’t be happier. As a note to all, the iPhone does not make a reliable alarm clock. Lesson learned the hard way. Also, two pieces of note:
- Wednesday’s comic is spawning a shirt! As soon as I finish designing it. Stay tuned here or to (where the shirts live).
- The Coffee Wins Shirts contest will be posted today! Sorry for the delays, too many good entries!
Oh, and a quick note about readership. When you post comics to Reddit, Digg, forums, BoingBoing or whatever, I notice. Because it always results in a bump in traffic. I mention this because Wednesday’s comic on biking was posted to Reddit’s biking thread, and is now seeing a nice bump in traffic (that will hopefully translate to some shirt sales, which will hopefully translate to putting more time into the comic) thanks to Straw_Hat on Reddit. So thanks to him and all the others of you who share the comic. It helps, and it saves me from being “that guy” that posts his own comic to places.