The System 459: Cycling Terms

Another “terms” comic. I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I love working on them. They always turn out well I think. Today’s comic is actually based on a true story of biking to work last week, where a guy zoomed by me, leaving only inches to spare, only to get pulled over a quarter mile later. Serves him right in my mind, as I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Makes you wish everyone just wasn’t in such a hurry all the time. Has this kind of thing ever happened to you?
To those that have stuck around since “chart-okalypse”, thanks! Hope you like what you’re seeing around here. As a recap on the chart, we’re working on a “PG” version of the chart as well as some more items that feature some of the artwork, including Professor Internet. Stay tuned to the site for more.
Another comic on Wednesday. To those in the US, hope you’re enjoying MLK day. To those outside, hope Monday isn’t sucking too hard.