The System 470: Chisel-Tip Sharpei

Happy Monday, all! I’m just back from Katsucon, the first big convention of the year. A total blast at that! Here are some Katsucon highlights:
- Hanging out with old friends like Kev and Blondie (of the super-crazy Caf-Fiends), Marty (my co-host and writer of my nerd-source for news) and Nick (whose new comic is really coming together nicely) and Lindsay (who makes great coffee-related crafts), Jami (creator of Puppy Cow, yes I’m working on the book), Brian the official Super Art Fight photographer, Oni and Harknell, Kelsey (who scares me with her ugly Pokemon drawings), Bracco (the pimpiest shirt salesman I know), Chris and Barb and SAF logistics wizard Mike George (who has no website). Oh and Dern.
- Hanging out with new friends like Dani and Bill (creators of the great comic All New Issues) and Danielle “Girls With Slingshots” Corsetto. Getting to know artists is half the fun of conventions for me, since we get to commiserate on all the less fun parts of spending so much time comicking as well as the successes that happen along the way. And drinking.
- Chilling after hours with everyone drawing things that should not be named. Cartoonists after hours never stop drawing, and I never laugh as hard as I do being a part of these one-upmanship sessions.
- Our Super Art Fight show on Saturday. We had six amazing artists compete, including Frank “Liberty Meadows” Cho, who was kind enough to draw me and Marty as drag queens for the audience. I hear that artwork went for some good money in the Celebrity auction, which means that someone wants a picture of me in a bikini on their wall.
- Of course, to all of you who came by the table and came to Super Art Fight. Whether you bought something or not, thanks for coming by and saying hello. It’s nice to meet the people that read it, and I love the chance to talk about the thing I love doing (this comic) with people who love reading it. Thank you!
Hope to see all of you at future cons. This season is still coming together, but if you want me to attend a particular convention, drop me a message on Twitter or in the comments. See you Wednesday!