The System 505: Medieval World Problems

We’ve seen #firstworldproblems, and even #futureworldproblems. Now it’s time for #medievalworldproblems. Here’s a few more to get you started. First, a few from me:
- Someone bent one of the pages on my newest illuminated manuscript. #medievalworldproblems
- I had to stop singing Catholic songs of praise so loud when I rode by a bunch of Protestants. #medievalworldproblems
- My servant couldn’t get the stain out of my favorite tunic. #medievalworldproblems
- I ate so much at the last feast my suit of armor is tight. #medievalworldproblems
- Got my serfs cleaning cobwebs. I thought serfing the web would be way more fun.#medievalworldproblems
- Can’t wait until Europe gets coffee. I’m really dragon my feet around.#medievalworldproblems
And a few from others, since I started the hashtag on Twitter this morning:
- @danteshepherd: Man, I can’t wait until we invent polyurethane. These serfboards are terrible!#medievalworldproblems
- @gewalker: Dating profile said “gothic and into heavy metal.” Disappointed. Was a knight templar.#medievalworldproblems
- @danteshepherd: Designer suits of armor are friggin’ expensive, but how else can you pass the dress code to get in the knightclubs?#medievalworldproblems
- @gewalker: Saracens rented castle next door and are parking their horses on the lawn! LOW CLASS! #medievalworldproblems
Join in the fun! Either in the comments or on Twitter. I’m watching.