The System 508: Independancy
Look at all that majesty! It’s like our forefathers said:
O, in ye liberty o’ freedom, dost thou throwe off thine shackles of tyranny fo’ the new, shinier shackles of corporate culture and tasty muffins.
Sorry for the lack of a comic yesterday, it being a national holiday I had taken the day off. I spent the day watching a parade, seeing Troll Hunter (awesome, btw), and watching fireworks by getting onto a roof that may have been flammable to the sparklers everyone was waving around. All in all a good holiday.
Oh, and hey all you Clients from Hell fans! Thanks to whomever submitted/posted the comic over there, and hope you enjoy the comics and please keep posting my stuff to places! I’ve never done any flat-out advertising, so word-of-mouth sharing is the only way this site grows, and the more it grows the bigger projects and more comics I put on it. So share the wealth!