System in the Wild: Bike Surfing Edition
It disappeared for a while, but I think it’s time to bring it back! It’s SYSTEM IN THE WILD! You send me fun/crazy/cool examples of “The System”-style imagery found in the real world, and I take the cool ones and post them on the site!
This one is from Systemic Daniel, who writes:
On the path I bike this sign makes me think bike surfing is okay to do on the path. It is all I can think of when I’m biking it, but I have yet to try it.
Probably for the best, Daniel. But thanks for sending it in!
If you want to send any in, send them to systemcomic at gmail dot com, subject “System In The Wild / Ross is Awesome”. Be sure to include a name you want to be credited with and if you want, where I should link to! I’ll bring back more once I get more sent, and slowly dig through all the ones I’ve been sitting on.