Sickness and This Week
Hi Systemics!
First off, my sincere apologies about the lack of updates in the last week. And by lack, I of course mean “any”.
Last Sunday I started to come down with a serious throat infection and high fever that toasted me pretty thoroughly. A sickness I’m still recovering from. While I’m well enough to sit up in bed, put on pants, speak a complete sentence and swallow water (all of which are wonderfully great new experiences lately), I’m definitely not at 100%. Not to mention that I’m behind on over a week of not being able to do anything with my day job, the comic, or anything else in my life.
This isn’t the end of anything, but it is going to take me a few days to get everything back on track, and in the meantime please bear with me. I wish I could say this was my day job and my first priority, but truth be told it isn’t. So any emails sent, orders requested, and new comics are going to take a few days to get to. I’m working on it as fast as I can, while trying to recover from being really sick.
Other comics people, if you have the time and send me a guest comic, I’ll gladly post them.
See you all in a few days,