The System 547: How Do You Get Your Coffee?
Another chart, and on one of my favorite topics, coffee. It was actually inspired by this Reddit thread on the coffee subreddit, which quickly devolved into the pretentiousness of good coffee. Specifically from vornan19:
I can’t be more of a coffee snob unless I start roasting my own beans!
I figured I’d take it as far as I could, though I did leave out a few details / possiblities along the way. Feel free to fill them in, and share your own methods in the comments!
As for me, most of my coffee is made by the following:
- Beans bought whole from wherever I can get them. Sometimes it’s Trader Joes, but normally one of my friends gets it for me as a gift from somewhere since they all know I like coffee. Coffee for me is like stamps for Jeremy on Sports Night. “I always seem to find one when I need one.”
- A Cuisenart burr grinder that normally goes for around $70, but I got for $30 through Amazon. Worst thing I can say about the thing is that it takes up a fair amount of room in my kitchen.
- Most cups of coffee are made with a Bodium french press, but I also have a cone dripper when I’m feeling adventurous.
Oh, and one more thing! Tomorrow (Sunday) is my birthday! If you want to buy me a present, share my comic (this one or otherwise) with all your friends, maybe buy a print of this comic or something else from the online store, and maybe, just maybe, buy me a cup of coffee (I accept PayPal through
Oh, and if you’re looking for a great cup of coffee in the DC area, check out Filter in Dupont Circle. See my artwork on the wall and tell them Ross sent ya.