So how much is a shit-ton?
A while back I did a comic about the International Standards Organization (ISO) and their attempts to standardize the shit-ton. It’s here, if you want to see it. An anonymous fan (he signed it “Anonymous System Fan”), sent me the following note:
Hey! So I read your System Comic about how much a “Sh*t-ton” is in comparison to a “Sh*t-load”. Well, I found the iPhone conversion app that settles that argument š
Well, good thing we answered that question. Now we know how to convert between shit-loads and shit-tons. How to convert to a “Metric Shit-Ton” is anyone’s guess, but I suppose the Queen’s Measurements make more sense for this kind of shit anyway.
By the way, if you want to send anything my way, send it over to systemcomic at gmail dot com. It might sit in my inbox for two months, but I’ll get to it. Eventually.