The System 656: Choose Muffins

So tonight got interesting. I got home and was following the #SB5 coverage in Texas (abortion laws, filibusters, etc.) and saw this tweet:
— brownpau (@brownpau) June 26, 2013
So I posted this:
AP and CBS calling it passed. Twitter is calling it bullshit. CNN calling muffins fattening.
— One-Trick Studmuffin (@Rosscott) June 26, 2013
Clearly that got a little out of hand. (Thanks for sharing it, guys! Actually happened.) We’re all still figuring out what’s happening, but right now in this day and age I didn’t think to turn on my TV (which got paused on Netflix 4 hours ago and I never went back) I just turned to Twitter and Facebook. I’ve been watching the YouTube stream and now Christopher DiDo’s uStream ever since. I’ll update more in the morning or something.
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The System 627: Procrasturbating

This comic, co-written by my mom (Rossmom) in the comments of The System 626. You can see where I get “it” from.
And I’m just gonna leave this here…
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The History of the Animated GIF
By the way, I think it’s choose to say “jiff” not “giff”.*
Thanks to Kottke once again!
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Winnebago Man Trailer
A bunch of months back now, my girlfriend got us tickets to go see a documentary at the Silver Docs film fest called Winnebago Man. It was an amazing movie and I immediately told lots of people about it. The problem was this project was still touring festivals, and was not yet open to the public.
Flash forward to ROFLcon a few weeks ago, where they were having a showing of the movie as well as Q&A with the creators. I was at one of the nightly meet-ups telling people they should make sure to attend, and who taps me on the shoulder but one of the movie’s creators (I think it was Joel Heller, one of the Producers and of course one of the stars, Ben Steinbauer). We spent the next 20 minutes talking about the movie, some behind the scenes, ROFLcon and what-have-you, during which they mentioned the film would soon be released to a wider audience.
Here is that day, that post, and the trailer for the movie. The short premise is this: Ever see the viral video “Winnebago Man” featuring Jack Rebney, the Angriest Man In the World? If you haven’t, you should (there it is above). Some film makers tracked him down, informed him of his fame (it was news to him as the original vid was made a great many years ago) and became his friend, convincing him to meet some of his fans at the San Francisco Found Footage Festival. This is the story of both of them, viral videos, and the people who wind up in them. A complete and utter must see.
As BoingBoing was the first to write about the film, they now feature an exclusive trailer (seen below). You can read the article with more information here.
Having talked with the filmmakers, I can tell you that your interest directly helps them out. The more you read about them on BoingBoing, visit their official website and generally help them promote the project, the more likely it will make it to theatres outside of 3 or 4 major cities.
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The System 352: Popular Internet Comics

Also learned from experience: self-referential comics never work.
Remember, the CUPCAKE SANDWICH contest is running this week. 2 entries so far, so your chances to win are pretty high! All you have to do is enter.
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A Conversation I Have Every Month Or So
Ever try to go to a restaurant’s website, only to discover that most restaurants are not yet in the same era that the rest of us are? Flash intros, bad music, etc? Such is the dialogue between Dan Wineman and a website every month or so, from Dan’s awesome website:
Me: (tries to visit a local restaurant’s website via iPhone)
Restaurant website: I require Flash. Fuck off.
Me: I just want to know how late you’re open.
Website: Nope.
Me: But I’m on my phone. Don’t you have a little “HTML Version” link up in the corner or something?
Website: I’m ignoring you.
Me: What if I’m on my phone because I’m out, looking for a place to eat? Didn’t that ever occur to you?
Website: Fuck entirely off.
Me: (gives up, switches to computer)
That’s just the beginning. It gets better from there. Go check it out. LINK.
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Putting Weird Things in Coffee
Every once in a while I find someone that seems to share the System ethos. The ideals and philosophy that set us, here, apart from the rest of the world. Phronk, author and creative force driving Putting Weird Things in Coffee, is such a man. The idea is a simple one. If coffee is so good and often tried with things like “milk” and “sugar”, why not expand the palette to other things like “curry” (pictured above) and “peanut butter”?
Here’s where the Internet kicks in. An idea like peanut butter coffee sounded right up my alley, especially considering previous comics here on both peanut butter and concocting things with coffee. I let him know, and now we’re friends on the internet.
I hereby welcome him as an honorary Systemic. Welcome, sir.
Check out his site, y’all. LINK.
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Interviewed by Ming
Ming of Fantasy Story did a quick interview with me yesterday about the 1-year anniversary, the comic, etc. You can check it out here.
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Loose Tweets Sink Fleets
Propoganda posters updated. Link.
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Happy Graphic Design Day!
According to Wikipedia, today is World Graphic Design Day. I know, I didn’t know that either.
World Graphic Design Day is celebrated on April 27, the anniversary of the founding of Icograda, the world body for graphic design, in 1963. It is a day to celebrate the profession of graphic and communication design. The day has been celebrated since 1995.
On this occasion, designers reflect and hope that an international network can contribute to a greater understanding between people and can help to build bridges where divides and inequities exist.
How about celebrating by reading up on some design-related things? Here is a link to all the posts and comics in the archive about design. Enjoy!