The System 602: Sky Crane Game
I, like everyone else on The Internet, was really into the whole “LANDING A ROVER ON FREAKING MARS” thing. It was a pretty big deal, but the craziest part of all has got to be not the guy with the mohawk and stars in his hair (Activity Lead Bobak Ferdowsi), but the freaking “sky crane”. Instead of having the rover just fire rockets, they wanted to avoid the dust kicked up from that so they just had it lower down from above via a sky crane. This was clearly the only joke that could be made from there.
Like numbers 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100, another recap of what we’ve learned in the last 100 comics. I enjoy putting these together, but they do take quite a while. All the panels are from comics from the last 100 comics. Can you name where all of them are from?
Also, we have something else to celebrate! We also recently passed the four-year anniversary of the comic as well. 400 comics! That’s pretty good, right? That officially makes The System my longest-held job / relationship.
<I’ll insert more words about what it’s like to do 600 comics here soon.>
Anyway, if you want to help me celebrate, there’s a few things you can do:
- Share your favorite comics from the archive with friends.
- Comment on posts.
- Buy prints of any comics you like from, our online store.
- Buy shirts from, our online store.
- GET READY to give me more money, because I’m going to be launching a Kickstarter for The System Book 1 in a few weeks. As soon as the book is mostly built and I have a quote for the number of books, it’ll all come together. Stay tuned!
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The System 590: Attract Bears
I don’t know if you’ve heard that women attract bears due to something about hormones or menstruation, but that’s been proven untrue (even the National Park Service says so). Women DO still attract bears, but for completely different reasons.