The System 520: Lighthouse

It only took 520 comics but I finally used that lighthouse icon.
Also, thanks to Caldwell for helping with “The Beacon Bulge”. Other names considered included:
- The Dick Tower
- Bulb Bacon
- The Fleshlight
- Boner Bastion
- Fresnel Lens Phallus
Along the way to my lighthouse research, I also found THIS. Enjoy.
Oh, by the way! Did you know you can buy a print of ANY AND EVERY COMIC in the archive? You can! Just head over to our store and pick it out.
Speaking of the store, still available in preorder is this adorable Professor Internet shirt. The big deal about preorder is it’s the only time I order women’s shirts (I don’t keep a stock of those) but I’m happy to do so with the initial order. Check it out here!
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The System 303: What We’ve Learned Lately

Here is that recap I promised, in the same vein as #100 and #200. As I said in the post on #300, thank you all for reading, commenting, sending in System in the Wild posts, and doing all the little things you do to support The System. I notice.
Remember, this, along with all comics, can be purchased as a comic print through! This one comes out to a Super A3/B print (13″ x 19″ paper for all you laymen) that is high quality poster awesomeness. It may be way bigger than the normal comic, but it’s still the same $10 at!
UPDATE: Systemic Lextrical put together a little “magic bean”, a piece of music based upon this comic. Here it is!
What We’ve Learned Lately by lextrical
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The System 247

UPDATE: I’m afraid you won’t be seeing any updates until Monday, I’ll be at Otakon all weekend. See you then!