See something? Cite something. GRAPHICS!
Here are some quick photoshops of the final images of the comic. Feel free to use as you like, but please credit both Caldwell (if it doesn’t look stiff, he drew it and deserves credit) and myself where appropriate. If anyone asks you where you find it, you know where to send ’em.
If you really like one of these images, remember that all three are available on t-shirts and as a poster at It is a joint venture between myself and Caldwell, so if you decide to support us by purchasing something, we both benefit.
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Ubiquity Looks Awesome
It’s a browser plugin that strives to integrate web services. This way you don’t have to go to Google Maps to use it, you don’t have to go to TinyURL to use it, etc. to make using web services integrated into the very window you already have open. I’m pumped to see it in action.
Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.
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The System 137

Sorry for the delay in getting up “Friday’s comic” on Saturday. It took a while to get my hands on a grappling hook. I’m sure you understand.