The System Guest Comic: Satanic Multitasking

An unplanned guest comic today from Samantha Kyle. You may know her work from Random Assembly, an amazing web comic I’m sure I’ve mentioned before. While it’s amazing, it’s unfortunately over with as Samantha works on new projects, so head on over to her tumblr to see more of her work and keep updated. And the best part? I didn’t even ASK for a guest comic. She just MADE IT CUZ SHE’S THAT AWESOME!
Also, while I’m at it, her husband Lee is also an awesome comic person, working on the newly-launched Little Guardians, which is just 10 pages in and updates M/W/F. That’s it above, looking all cool. So check that out while you’re at it.
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All Those Voices (Guest comic by James Hatton)

I was in a bike accident on Sunday and beyond any physical damage (stitches in my chin and a severe blow to my pride) I’m playing catch-up all this week, so you guys get some guest comics!
Hatton and I clearly share a kinship, as his comic In His Likeness uses a sort of minimalism akin to what goes on often here at The System. Of course the style and usage are very different, as his is much more of a continuing story following God, the Devil, etc. This is also most likely a reference to a guest comic I did for him recently which you should check out here.
The minute I posted word about the accident and the need for guest comics, Hatton jumped to it straight away. As much as we jibe at each other, he’s a good friend and it’s moments like that that make doing a website by myself actually fell like much more of a community.
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes
A quick thank you to all of you from both Rossmom and myself! You helped her celebrate her 60th birthday in style, leaving a whopping 58 comments! I know, half of them are her responses, but I give you credit all the same. The times this site goes from a monologue to a dialogue are always great for me, and for that I thank all of you Systemics. Also, this was a really cheap gift to give her, so that helped too.
Trivia Night Sunday
Any of you in the DC area should come by Bedrock Billiards in Adams Morgan on Sunday night, I’ll be hosting a trivia night. Topics will include (but not be limited to) “Stupid Shit on the Internet”, a favorite of mine. It’s free to come and play, and the winner gets $50 off Sunday night’s bar tab, as well as a shirt from the store. Bring a few friends and come along!