The System 626: Exasturbation

I’m still deciding if I’m really going to make the next comic about “procrasturbation”. Also, thanks to Systemics Marty and Grace for help figuring out how to write this one. I can’t say it took the whole month but I was a little stuck.
Super Art Fight at the Black Cat on February 22nd!
In an ongoing effort to pretend to be a rock star, the Super Art Fight crew (including myself) is playing a show in Washington, DC at the legendary Black Cat rock club! I couldn’t be more excited. February 22nd, 9:30pm doors, $12 tickets, all ages. More details and info on preorders here.
I’m talking about comics and stuff in Baltimore!
I’m giving a talk called “How Comics Can Make Us Better Designers” to the web/design/development community in Baltimore as part of “Refresh Baltimore” on February 26th. It’ll be based upon but a revised and awesomer version of the talk I gave at Refresh last fall. It’s free. You should come! Here’s the EventBrite. Here’s the other details.
I’d love to see some Systemics in the crowd, and I’ll have time to answer all the questions people have on design and comics and stuff. Let me know if you can make it!
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The System 464: Let It Soak

I’ve decided. February 4th is Roommate Appreciation Day. Why not. Here’s another comic I did on roommates too.
I think you should all actually cut this out, fill it in, leave it for your roommate, and then take a picture of them with it and their dish-pile. Then send it to me. Then I’ll post them here. COME ON, SYSTEMICS!!