The System 783: Rocking Out

One thing I’ve learned about “gym rats” (aka “people in the gym all the time”) is that they can be just as nerdy as the nerds that talk about “fandom”. They’re just talking about muscle groups and lifting routines and stuff. So far, no talk of “shipping”. Which is probably for the best.
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The System 774: Some Day

The System 680: Gym Farts 2

I’m not happy, you guys.
I had this great nugget of a joke. “Farting at the gym.” And on Friday, I wrote a comic about it. While I’m proud of that comic, it didn’t go just right somehow. Like a fart in the wind, as they say. So this week, I’m rewriting this joke until I get it right.
Friday was a strictly visual approach. Today, we try the narrative similar to that seen in Oatffee. We’ll see what Wednesday has in store.
The System 679: Gym Farts

The System 634: Exercise

Oh man, a lot of things, you guys!
Hey Pennsylvania Peeps
This weekend I’ll be a guest at the Comic Geek Speak Super Show in Reading, PA. If ONE of you just comes by and says hey that would be amazing. Details here »
Super Art Fight + ThinkGeek
We’re doing a Super Art Fight show with the gang at ThinkGeek on May 4th (“May The Fourth”, the geekiest day of the year) at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA. It’s gonna be a dope-ass motha of a show!
If you’ve never been to a Super Art Fight (seriously where have you been?) it’s a competitive, improvised, live action, geeky art competition. If that doesn’t have your attention, why are you reading this?
Super Art Fight: The Book
We are doing one of them Kickstarter things. Specifically, it’s a book all about Super Art Fight called SUPER ART FIGHT: “THE GREATEST LIVE ART COMPILATION IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE. It will feature:
- Comics
- A collection of our poster art
- original illustrations by our roster
- collaborative “MEGA TOPIC” illustrations
- Wheel of Death illustrations
- Anecdotes, Show notes and so much more
Not only is it gonna be a fun book, but there’s fun prizes like custom original artwork from our team, exclusive t-shirts, and all of it goes to help make Super Art Fight superer.
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The System 620: The Shelf Life of Home Exercise Equipment

Happy new year, Systemics!
It’s been a rough one around these parts, so this one is dedicated to those of you with new years resolutions. Let’s hope you make it longer than this guy.
If you’re on Twitter, and one of your goals is exercise related, I suggest you tweet about it as a way to help motivate, using the hashtag #teamnotfat. I do all the time. Join me, won’t you?
If you’re one of the awesome people attending Magfest this weekend, I will see you there! Super Art Fight has a show on Saturday at 3pm. See you there!
I know a lot of you are asking “what happened to the comic?” Life has been more than a little busy of late, but one of my goals for the new year is to start updating like the old days, and GET OUT A F*CKING BOOK. Stay tuned for more on that.
The System 596: New Shoes, Same Feet

Good times!
Have you ever ran in those running shoes with all the toes and no shoe support? I did and I can say that it was interesting, but I don’t recommend it. I think I got a stress fracture in my left foot (I may be exaggerating, I’m not sure), but that’s probably because I didn’t ease in like they tell you to. Yes, I should’ve, but I didn’t. Also, my “stride” is exactly the wrong kind of stride for these shoes, because I land with my heel (which is “bad for you” according to half the Internet, and “okay fine” with the other half) and not the ball of my foot. Alas.
Those shoes do have the added bonus of making you look like a douche when you’re just out and about and wearing them, so at least I have that to look forward to.
UPDATE: Listen, here’s the deal with me and running. You ask for advice on the best ways to do it and you get a million different answers. My very wise girlfriend was taught that whatever your natural stride is you shouldn’t try to change it because you might hurt yourself. Others say you should because there’s a “right” way to do it and you should do it that way. I only run about twice a week for about 3-5 miles, so I’m going to just keep running the way I was running, and maybe I’ll try those shoes out again in a few weeks when my foot feels better.
The System 384: Feeling Some Burning

It’s true, I’ve started going to a personal trainer. Between the costs and the way I feel afterward, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was trying to kill me. That’s how they get you, after all.
While the Coffee Wins Shirts contest is closed, I’ll be posting some of the entries later today and announcing the winner tomorrow. Stay tuned!