The System 636: Ninjas

If you’re wondering which comic received the retraction, it’s this one.
It was an amazing weekend at the Comic Geek Speak Super Show, and the chance to road trip with Jamie and Danielle was definitely worth it. Stay tuned for two amazing books coming soon from both me and Jamie that you’ll be pretty psyched about, I promise.
If you came by the table and I seemed a little under the weather, it’s because I was coming down with a pretty nasty cold. I was losing my voice and had a mean cough, so if you thought “this guy is kinda a jerk” you’re not necessarily wrong, but sorry I wasn’t able to put my best foot forward.
New Rewards On Our Kickstarter
Btw if you haven’t backed the Super Art Fight Kickstarter yet, we just released some lower prices and rewards! Go check it out!
The System 467: The Noncolon

You have the colon, the semicolon, why not the noncolon?
I’ll be at Katsucon in DC next weekend! Will you be there? You should, and come to my table! Also, I’ll be performing as my job as co-host of SUPER ART FIGHT, Saturday in the Main Events room at 3pm. It will be EPIC!
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The System 411: F%*king Batman

If the Clock King can count as a villain, why not the Grammar Nazi? And for that matter, this isn’t far off from every criminal calling him “The G-ddamn Batman”.
This comic actually has an interesting background. I was making pins for a con and asked Kev of Caf-Fiends (who just got engaged to his awesome cohort in comics, Blondie) what I should put on pins. “F%*king Batman” he replied. I made the pins and they’ve been great sellers, and have led to some interesting conversations on Batman’s love life and the ambiguous grammar of the phrase.
Btw before anyone asks, not sure I can put that on a shirt even if I wanted to. I mean, it’s Batman. I don’t own Batman. But I will sell you prints of this comic and shirts galore from my online store,
The System 344: Exclaiming

Be careful who you make your bad puns around.
I dare say that is the best explosion ever. Yes, even better than Factbomb Day. In fact, the first time I drew the explosion it was so explosive that it CRASHED ILLUSTRATOR. You know what Illustrator said? I couldn’t believe it so I took a screen shot.
If you love how extremely f%$king epic this comic is you can always hang a 13″x19″ poster of it on your wall. How, you say? A little thing called our online store, HilariAwesome. It’s listed as one of the comic prints, as well as EVERY OTHER COMIC EVER.
The System 92

I honestly think this rule should apply across the internet. After we make people appreciate exclamation points, we can set our sites on the all too overused semicolons. You’re next, semicolon!!!