Clips: Wall Street Fighter
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Trader Joes Song Is Stuck In My Head
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The Onion’s Take on New Gadgets (NSFW)
As I said, NSFW but too hilarious to not post. Put on headphones first, then laugh your ass off.
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This Is Why You’re Fat
“Where dreams become heart attacks.” Enough said. This brings the word “hilariawesome” to mind. Link. (Btw, thanks to Marty for the link.)
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The System 147

This is posted wayyy after the fact, but here it is. Isn’t it hilariawesome, or ironically, is it NOT in itself hilariawesome?
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They blow up the death star. I said that, right?
Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.
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Fav Meme of the Day: Beaker in DC
Above is the image Punté used yesterday for Beaker’s Super Bowl prediction. Of course, blog commenters being what they are — that is, people who tend to ignore the forest to look at the trees (and leaves, and individual pieces of bark, and chloroplasts) — they instantly ignored the obvious bandwagon imagery and instead asked why Beaker was riding a D.C. Metro bus.
Anyway, from Maj’s annoying homerism for our nation’s capital (and Punte’s annoyance with it) was born a new meme: Beaker in D.C. (Via KissingSuzyKolber)
I love seeing all the images people have put together for this meme. Marion Barry’s famous image of drug use, Watergate, Washington Monument, etc. Laughs abound. Link.
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When would you use this?
Graphic designers often have to use stock photos, much to their chegrin. Today, I came across this gem of a stock photo. You tell me: WHEN WOULD YOU USE THIS? What project and / or place would possibly be the right time to use this image? I asked this on Twitter and already got some good replies, but I want YOUR take. The best one will get my gratitude and some hearty chuckles.
Current Twitter forerunners:
- Time Magazine’s Robert T. Balder: “When you’re horny, and she’s pithed.”
- Systemic / Amazing Photographer Mooney: “To illustrate the romantic tale of the woman on a safari, and her australian guide, who seranades her at night via trumpet.”
- Pierski: “Husband giving you not so subtle hints that he wants a blow?”
Go nuts. Btw, if you want to see where it came from (or want to buy it) please check this out.
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Double Fail
(Via my internet boyfriend.) They are making really really really lame Watchmen costumes for Halloween. They are so so bad.
ALSO, Nabisco aired an ad during the season re-opener of BSG that raises some interesting questions. Nothing follows up a bloody suicide like tomato soup!
Unless this YouTube clip has been doctored, commercials for Kraft’s Nabisco Premium Plus crackers ran in the final episode of Battlestar Galactica, an episode in which one of characters commits suicide with a pistol to her head. (Skip the below clip if you want to avoid a gory scene.) In the Nabisco ads which immediately follow that image, Nabisco crackers thrown into soup bowls create fountains of splattering tomato soup, choreographed to a song whose lyrics are “I just want to celebrate another day of living.” Link.
(Via Lena on Twitter.)
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Thanks for sending this to me, Kim!
CRAPSTONE, England — When ordering things by telephone, Stewart Pearce tends to take a proactive approach to the inevitable question “What is your address?”
He lays it out straight, so there is no room for unpleasant confusion. “I say, ‘It’s spelled “crap,” as in crap,’ ” said Mr. Pearce, 61, who has lived in Crapstone, a one-shop country village in Devon, for decades.