The System 768: Improv Theater

The System 431: Pirate Juice

Today’s comic was inspired by the most recent Nedroid comic, which parodies The New Yorker style of image / caption cartooning. A bit silly, but I thought it had some nice subtlely.
For those who wonder how a joke comes together, here’s the train of thought behind today’s comic:
Hmm, what should this comic be about? I said I’d do a caption style. I guess I should go read some New Yorker cartoons. Okay, there goes an hour. Now what about this comic? Do I have any notes written down? “Pirate juice”, what was that supposed to be? Oh yeah! This could be funny…
*10 minutes of Illustrator time later*
What exactly should the line be? Should it be that the doctor is lecturing the patient or apologizing to him? I think it works better as the doctor apologizing, like he didn’t know any better. I can do that just by writing “sorry” at the front. Nice. Aaaand Marty thinks this is funny. Okay, time to post! I guess I’ll mention how I came up with this in the writeup. Maybe people will read that.
Remember, any print of any comic purchased through the store through the end of the month has all the proceeds go to a cure for breast cancer! Currently we’re at $0. Come on you guys, you’re making me look bad in front of breast cancer.
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The System 406: Bad Combo

This is why we follow traffic rules, folks. I know, sometimes drivers are stupid. But sometimes cyclists are too.
Oh! I’m up for a SXSW panel! If you want to make me very happy and/or see me get to Austin, TX this year for SXSW, would you please follow this link to the panel description and sign up and vote? They don’t charge you anything, don’t demand more than an email address, and don’t ever email you stupid crap. The panel is about pairing images with words, something you’ve clearly seen me do. If you really want to help out, leave a comment on the panel while you’re at it saying whatever you want. I hear that helps too!
Venn F&%king Diagrams shirts will be settled up today, and for sale by Monday at the latest. Stay tuned.