The System 717: Life Is…

I just know I’m going to see this thing on the Internet without my name on it very very soon. Oh well.
If you want a 11″ x 17″ poster of this, it’s a mere $10 plus shipping! You can buy it with the big yellow button on the side OR just click here.
Appearances and Conventions!
I’ll be bringing the new book (soon to be in the online store) to a bunch of conventions, along with t-shirts, ties, prints, and tote bags. Oh, and my charming personality. If you’re a convention goer, mark these on your calendar! I always like it when fans come and say hi, even if they have no money and can’t buy anything. It’s wonderful to meet the people who read my stupid comic.
PAX East
(Boston, MA / Next Weekend)
Going with my girlfriend and hanging out! Woo! If you’re going to be there, say so in the comments and let’s meet up!
Awesome Con
(Washington, DC / April 18 – 20th)
I’ll have a table with the Super Art Fight gang, who will be performing on Sunday!
My New Apartment
(Washington, DC / April 25th)
Seriously, I’m moving in with my girlfriend. It’s gonna be awesome. SEE YOU THERE!
Super Art Fight at the Black Cat!
(Washington, DC / May 17th)
A big show for us as we are TAKING OVER THE UPSTAIRS OF THE BLACK CAT. There will be kaiju action as giant monsters destroy an entire city on stage. Yes, really. Tickets here »
Anime Expo
(Los Angeles, CA / July 3rd – July 6th)
I’ll have a table in Artist Alley with the Super Art Fight crew, and we’ll be doing shows all weekend. Please help me pay for it.
(Hartford, CT / July 10 – 13th)
Where it all started for The System, we’ll be having Art Fight shows, another “Jamie Noguchi System” panel, and a whole bunch more. Also, I’ll have my books!
(Baltimore, MD / August 8 – August 10th)
I’ll have a table in Artist Alley! Join me as I try and figure out what people are cosplaying as and realize that I’m too old to not be creepy at an anime convention.
(Bethesda, MD / September 13th – 14th)
Unfortunately, I’m on the wait list. Cross those fingers!
The System 701: Tetris Does

The Tetris Church posits that some day, The Chosen Piece will come and unite The Rows together. Though there are some factions that believe that The Chosen Piece has already fallen and will someday again fall from The Heavens, others believe that The Chosen Piece is in fact just a very nice piece.
Post your pieces of #tetrischurch scripture in the comments, or on Twitter with #tetrischurch. It’ll be fun! Or cause a lot of people to become upset. Or fun! Let’s find out. (Keep it classy.)
Greg Benge even put together this awesome graphic for Tetris Church:
The System 641: Accomplishments

What’s your biggest life accomplishment?
More Shirts Soon
Keep your eyes peeled to the site because I’m going to be reordering a bunch of shirts that I am now out of over in the store. If you want a women’s shirt in any size, I don’t keep them in stock but am happy to order them for you. Just email me at systemcomic at gmail dotcom with which one you would like and what size and we’ll take it from there.