The System 675: The Nad Shot Test

As promised, a graphical depiction of THE NAD SHOT TEST originally described in The System 673: Not How That Works. Again, just to break this down:
If you are hiding behind anonymity / in a car / distance / a group of people to say hurtful things, don’t do them. Let’s take the cruelty out of that anonymity and treat people like people. Or someone will come up and kick you in the nads. Or lady-nads. You get the point.
Also, I’m proud to now have a graphical depiction of what dicks on the Internet look like. Explains the term “flame war” pretty well:
And also we now have a great graphic for what getting kicked in the nads looks like. Thanks to the olympics pictograms used in 1972 and 1976 for the heavy lifting on that “kicker”.