The System 488: Ask The System

I’ve always wondered about self-referential things like this. Web sites about how to make web sites. Television shows about TV. Blogs about other blogs. And yeah, go cats.
Stay tuned, later today I’m posting a really long thing about web design and webcomics. Today’s the day.
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The End of a Paper
Systemic Ken of Palm Beach Bike Tours sent me this post on his site about the end of the Palm Beach Post. It has a bunch of great pictures and a look back at the life and death of a newspaper. LINK.
I got my facts wrong (damn my lack of attention to detail!), but here’s his quote from the comments:
Just to clarify one point: The Palm Beach Post isn’t “ending.”
Management made the decision to outsource the PRINTING of the paper, along with a whole lot of other things it used to do internally. The newspaper itself still shows up on my lawn every morning and I have enough faith (hope) that it will keep showing up that I just renewed my subscription for another year.
For us dinosaurs that grew up hearing the slogan, “Freedom of the Press belongs to he who owns one,” it’s the end of life as we knew it.
Perhaps that’s why we’re dinosaurs.
Still, we dinosaurs had a great run until those pesky mammals came along.
I figured I’d better clarify this in case any current employees read this. There’s still a fair amount of paranoia in the hallways and I’d hate to add to it.
There you have it! Sorry, Ken and everyone else! LINK.