The System 609: Boreding

I wonder when anyone actually boards anymore.
A Note About Intervention
If you were at Intervention this weekend, and looking for me, I was not there because I suck. I had to work all weekend and between that and recovering from Super Art Fight and traveling so much the last couple weeks meant I couldn’t get to the ‘con. I think most of it was a joke, but if you’re one of the ones who was on Twitter booing me during my panel on Saturday, I’m sorry I wasn’t there. Not my intention, and trust me I would’ve rather been there instead of what I was doing.
A Note About Super Art Fight
Thanks for coming to our show on Friday! It was an AMAZING time and we more than sold out The Ottobar. I got to hug Peelander Red, which was pretty amazing. My girlfriend finally got to see Super Art Fight in action. And Team “Ross Sucks” was out in force. I love you guys!
I’m not gonna lie to you guys, my life is kinda out of balance right now. I’m working on getting it under control. In the meantime, comics and more when I can.
The System 585: Plane

First the A/C, then scissors, now planes.
And this isn’t the first time we’ve seen the pilot. We saw him back in The System 395: Why Pilots Wear Aviators.
Oh, and the new shirt! Have you checked it out yet? And if there’s other shirts based on stuff in the comic you’d like, let me know. I’m looking to get into the shirting biz.
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The System 395: Why Pilots Wear Aviators

Thanks to everyone who came to visit my table, check out my panel, or see Super Art Fight at Conencticon! I’ll be doing a write-up tonight, stay tuned. Meanwhile, let’s give it up to this pilot. He’s awesome.