The System 662: Great Moments From Conventions (Part Two)

If you’re wondering which shirt this woman is talking about, it’s this one. Also, this has happened 13 times in the last day.
At Connecticon
I’m at Connecticon all this weekend in the Online Media Guests area (OMG) with the rest of the Super Art Fight crew. Just come to Exhibit Hall B and look for this table:
Be sure to come by and say hi. High fives are free.
Also, we have two Super Art Fight shows this weekend. The first already happened and went well (I think) and the second is Saturday at 5pm in MAIN EVENTS. There will be a t-shirt cannon.
If you’re not at Connecticon, follow our Facebook page for The System, I’ll be posting any sketches I do there all day. I already did one of me as Super Mario 3’s cover. That’s right. I drew things.
The Kickstarter
It’s happening. In a big way! Unfortunately I didn’t get to finish the video before the con, but you’ll see it on the site in the next week. It’s my way of saying “Happy Five Year Anniversary, Systemics!” It’s also my way of saying “buy my book!”
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The System 634: Exercise

Oh man, a lot of things, you guys!
Hey Pennsylvania Peeps
This weekend I’ll be a guest at the Comic Geek Speak Super Show in Reading, PA. If ONE of you just comes by and says hey that would be amazing. Details here »
Super Art Fight + ThinkGeek
We’re doing a Super Art Fight show with the gang at ThinkGeek on May 4th (“May The Fourth”, the geekiest day of the year) at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA. It’s gonna be a dope-ass motha of a show!
If you’ve never been to a Super Art Fight (seriously where have you been?) it’s a competitive, improvised, live action, geeky art competition. If that doesn’t have your attention, why are you reading this?
Super Art Fight: The Book
We are doing one of them Kickstarter things. Specifically, it’s a book all about Super Art Fight called SUPER ART FIGHT: “THE GREATEST LIVE ART COMPILATION IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE. It will feature:
- Comics
- A collection of our poster art
- original illustrations by our roster
- collaborative “MEGA TOPIC” illustrations
- Wheel of Death illustrations
- Anecdotes, Show notes and so much more
Not only is it gonna be a fun book, but there’s fun prizes like custom original artwork from our team, exclusive t-shirts, and all of it goes to help make Super Art Fight superer.
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Dueling Analogs Pays Tribute
Steve Napierski of Dueling Analogs is a ridiculously talented illustrator, but decided to flush all that down the toilet and draw a comic in the unique style you Systemics have come to know and love (teaser seen above). If you want to just see the damn thing, click on this link here. Otherwise, here’s his breakdown:
First, I had the idea for the comic and then I came up with the title for it: Beating the System. After that my affinity for puns took over because I began to associate the title/comic with Ross Nover’s popular webcomic The System. Then I started thinking, “Since ‘the system’ is in the title why not make the comic look like The System, as well?” So I did and here we are.
POPULAR? Really Steve? I think we all know better than that. If you like video games and you like my comic, you should check out the guest comics I did for him in the past over at his site here and here.
Oh, and thanks, Steve!
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Super Art Fight 11: THIS SATURDAY!
For the co-host of the “Greatest Live Art Competition in the Known Universe”, I do a crappy job of promoting our shows on my own website. This Saturday night, at The Ottobar in Baltimore, you can see SUPER ART FIGHT 11, where comic artists go HEAD-TO-HEAD on a GIANT CANVAS all for the chance at the Super Art Fight CHAMPIONSHIP BELT. There will be 4 amazing matches, ridiculous stunts and costumes, and hilarious commentary from Marty Day and yours truly.
Oh, and did I mention a MUSICAL GUEST? Joining us for the night is 8-bit rockers extraordinaire Anamanaguchi, as well as Baltimore locals Bear and Walrus. For all the details and more, check out the official SAF event site here. Hope to see you there! I’ll be the one in the blue tux jacket.
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The System 519: True Stories from Otakon

It flew out of my mouth before I realized I’d said it. Sorry to the fan that came up and had this happen!
By the way, the chart in question is the Types of Typsos chart, seen here.
Otakon, which I haven’t had time to talk about what with CHART MADNESS on Wednesday, was LOADS of fun! Lots of you fans in the surrounding area came by and made me feel welcome, and I really cannot thank you enough for that whether you bought something or not. Of course if you bought something, all the better.
I mostly spent the weekend at my table, so I didn’t get a chance to chat with other artists that much or go to any panels, but I was on a “collaborating in comics” panel thanks to Dern, and was in the same row as most of the Super Art Fight crew all weekend. Best of all was the chance to chat with Caldwell, since he lives out of town and the chances we get to hang out are great. We got to talk about the chart that you all saw on Wednesday which, officially, was the biggest day of The System ever.
While I posted this in the last post and in it’s own, the new Professor Internet shirt is now available, and is in preorder through next week. You should check it out here.
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Where To Find Me at Otakon…
I’ll be in Artist Alley, on the same row as some of my Super Art Fight friends. You can see all of us if you walk up the lefthand side. That isn’t to say that there aren’t awesome people like Digital Pimp, Alex’s Guide, and PLENTY of others throughout, but you can rest assured the lefthand wall is going to be partying hard! Oh, and in the C-block is Devil’s Panties? THIS is going to get interesting…
To those of you not attending Otakon (I know the biggest anime con on the east coast isn’t a priority for many), please let me know where you WOULD like me to go. When I pick out cons for next year, the best way to know where to go is for fans to tell me where they want me. Of course, getting convention committees to have me as a guest helps immensely as well, just sayin’.
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The System 503: Breaking Routine

Thanks to all who came to Super Art Fight in DC this past weekend! We had a great show. The highlight for me was rapping on stage. As I mentioned on Twitter, I sang a fair amount of Partners in Kryme’s hit T-U-R-T-L-E POWER. And luckily for you, there’s video evidence:
Comicsgirl also posted what’s probably the best recap of what it’s like to attend a Super Art Fight show. Check out her review here. My favorite part was how she described the commentary. It’s not my favorite because it’s about me, it’s my favorite because I think she nailed it:
Nover, along with fellow host Marty Day, kept the action moving. They have a teasing and affable rapport with each other and are always willing to just keep making jokes. Their reactions are part of what make the show so great — they have the perfect combination of quick wits and bafflement about what they’re seeing being drawn and really pull the audience into the action. (Nover also treated the audience to a rendition of Vanilla Ice’s “Ninja Rap” from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle II. I would love to tell you it made sense at the time — although, it almost did — but mostly, it was impressive he remembered as much of it as he did.)
Unfortunately, it was actually from TMNT 1. Still a great review.
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Super Art Fight DC 6/18!
A live art competition. Burlesque dancers. Me and Marty keeping things moving and making a few jokes. All this and more, at the Red Palace on SATURDAY NIGHT! From the Super Art Fight website:
This past March, we at Super Art Fight had the honor and pleasure to make our debut in the Nation’s Capital to a SOLD OUT show atThe Red Palace.
On Saturday Night, June 18th, 2011 – WE’RE COMING BACK!
That’s right, we’ll be once again presenting a full Super Art Fight event at the Red Palace that evening, delivering DC everything that has made us known as the Greatest Live Art Competition In the Known Universe.
Talents signed so far for June 18th: Chris “Impact” Impink, Nick “Ghostfreehood” Borkowicz, Jami “Angry Zen Master” Noguchi,Kelsey “Killer” Wailes and the undefeated Brandon J. Carr!
Convinced? I thought so. Doors at 9, show at 10. 21+ show, tickets are $15. We sold out the last one, so get those tickets ahead of time here! And here’s The Red Palace’s website.
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Writeup on my SXSW Trip
Now that we’re a month out from SXSW, my place of employ has decided to post a writeup about my trip. I know Rossmom was happy to see it. Here’s a good bit from it:
Nover, who has made the trip to Austin, Texas for the festival before, was overjoyed when he found out that he would be presenting on a panel about the art of captions. “I called my mom—that was first—and then I forwarded it to some ex-girlfriends that never thought I’d amount to anything, and then I ran around the hallways here in Katzen to find somebody who knew what it was and understood why it was cool,” Nover says, jokingly.
If you want to check it out, go here »
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Comic Thursday Morning
All the traveling to and fro Austin, TX really wiped me out. Apologies for the lack of comics so far this week, but expect a new one Thursday morning (EST). In the meantime, here’s a cool picture from the panel I was on:
If you’re looking to see some comics, how about creating one! Here’s the artwork from System 289, how about rewriting it? Send me (systemcomic at gmail / @rosscott) your best and I’ll post on the site. Click the image (or here) for full size.