Since I haven’t posted this stuff in a while, you can also follow my comic stuff through:
- The Facebook page:
- My personal Twitter @Rosscott
- The comic’s Twitter @Systemcomic
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- RSS: (you can call that my RoSS feed)
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The System 507: Google Plus Plus

I was collecting my thoughts on Google+, the new social media OMG media social twitter facebook friend place thing, and came across this XKCD comic. I get Mr. Munroe’s point (also seen above in the first three panels) but had to add on my take on the situation. I’m sure you’re already familiar with XKCD, but of course, credit where it’s due. Go check it out.
Also, posted this on my new Google+ (link to my profile). Yes, I signed up anyway. I mean hey, it’s not Facebook.
Post your Google+ thoughts in the comments.
Oh, and I do sell this t-shirt. Just sayin’.
Future World Problems: Loldwell Edition

This week will be full of comics by my fellow webcomic creators and the creme de la creme of visual entries to the FutureWorldProblems contest I mentioned the other day. If you like this charming entry, check out the original post with FutureWorldProblems here, or the first comic on the subject here.
Today’s comes from webcomic pal and internet cohort Caldwell “Loldwell” Tanner of He’s blended The System and Loldwell together! Of course, you’ve probably seen his stuff before even if you haven’t seen it there, as he is also a full-time cartoonist for That’s right, he gets paid for this stuff, which is more than most of us can say. Of course it’s all warranted, his work is great.
Even if you’re not a huge fan, you probably have seen some of his more famous comics before. The “what kind of artist are you?” comic is how I first found him (due to a link on Crooked Gremlins, thanks for posting that Carter). Caldwell was even nice enough to give me a poster of that one, which hangs right next to my desk. There’s also two of his “cycle comics” that I then based my “Cycle of Time Suck” comic on. I guess people love cycles.
Tomorrow we finish up guest comic #FutureWorldProblems week, but the hashtag is still going strong on The Twitters. If you post a good one there, I’ll retweet it out myself. If it’s the best thing ever, maybe I’ll do a comic about it.
So how are you guys liking #FutureWorldProblems guest comic week? A departure from our usual content I know, but a chance for me to showcase the work of people whose comics I love. Post your thoughts on this comic and also the whole series in the comments!
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The System 398: Being Productive

What are all your daily rituals? Do you take breaks from your breaks? Sometimes, they can be a little much if they aren’t broken up.
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RSS Feed Issues (aka The System is Down)
It’s been reported by noble Systemics and friends that the RSS feed (or as I call it, the RoSS feed) on the site is acting somewhere between “Janky” and “Janked up”. I’m investigating and will be in touch.
If you fancy yourself someone that knows about things and would like to help me figure out the problem, shoot me a line! Twitter (@rosscott), email (systemcomic at the gmails), comment here and leave your info.
UPDATE: The RSS is now showing up as it was for me. You guys? Working?
ALSO UPDATE: Still, the RSS that runs through Feedburner seems to have lost about 1,500 people according to Feedburner’s stats. This seems somehow impossible and directly related to site up/down issues. Anyone know anything about Feedburner and what the hell?