System in the Wild: Dalek Edition
You send in System-like images you find in the wild, I post them. Send them to systemcomic at gmail.
This one from Systemic Allison, which she found from George Takei’s Twitter feed:
Systemic Kevin sends in this set, which is from an article about Switzerland’s new drive-in brothel (article can be found here). Click through to see the rest, they’re worth it:
And this set is from Systemic Jake who found these in New Westminster Quay:
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Sci-Fi Alphabet
Thanks to SCSpooner for sending my way this part-typography-part-sci-fi (that’s-a-lot-of-dashes) poster, an eye chart of all letters from well-known sci-fi logos. Can you name them all?
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C-47 Trailer
You’ve probably seen/heard of Jami “Angry Zen Master” Noguchi. He worked on the set of this Sci-Fi TV pilot test preview thingy, and is even in it as the asian doctor dude in the middle. He also did the visual effects stuff in some way or another. Point is he is awesome and I’d watch this show. Would you watch it?
Double Fail
(Via my internet boyfriend.) They are making really really really lame Watchmen costumes for Halloween. They are so so bad.
ALSO, Nabisco aired an ad during the season re-opener of BSG that raises some interesting questions. Nothing follows up a bloody suicide like tomato soup!
Unless this YouTube clip has been doctored, commercials for Kraft’s Nabisco Premium Plus crackers ran in the final episode of Battlestar Galactica, an episode in which one of characters commits suicide with a pistol to her head. (Skip the below clip if you want to avoid a gory scene.) In the Nabisco ads which immediately follow that image, Nabisco crackers thrown into soup bowls create fountains of splattering tomato soup, choreographed to a song whose lyrics are “I just want to celebrate another day of living.” Link.
(Via Lena on Twitter.)
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The System 131

I sprung for the 4th panel on this one. I think you can see why.
Keanu Reeves Wants to Ruin My Dreams
Actor Keanu Reeves […] told the MTV Movies Blog that he hopes to play the lead role in Twentieth Century Fox’s proposed live-action film adaptation of Sunrise’s Cowboy Bebop multi-genre action anime series. Erwin Stoff, a film producer who worked closely with Reeves on The Matrix and A Scanner Darkly, told the entertainment website in July that a film development deal was signed. Stoff and Reeves both emphasized a desire to remain faithful to the original work.
Keanu Reeves Hopes to Star in Live-Action Cowboy Bebop – Anime News Network (Via MTV Movies)
Merry Trekmas!
It’s an album full of Star Trek-related Christmas songs, and it’s free on this website. It’s fun, dammit! Link.
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Jon Hamm, Sci-Fi Geek!
“Yeah, big time!” he said. “I grew up in the ’70s and ’80s so I had Star Wars, and Close Encounters, and Blade Runner and 2001. It was an awesome time for sci-fi.” When Mr. Hamm was asked if he still does anything geeky, his girlfriend, Jennifer Westfeldt, rolled her eyes and affectionately nodded yes. “Oh yeah, I’m a big comic book guy and–” “Video games, video games, video games!” exclaimed Ms. Westfedt.
Jon Hamm, Sci-Fi Geek! | The New York Observer
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Star Trek vs. Star Wars
Brought to you by Systemic James and Videocracy | The A.V. Club
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John Williams Will Die Then Turn Over in His Grave
Thanks to Systemic Lindsay for sending this over. What better way to waste time on a Friday?