The System 780: Alternatives To Netflix And Chill

First off, for my mom that will read this comic, please don’t ask me about this one. But here’s a link to a definition of Netflix and chill, so you don’t have to ask me about it.
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Will my webcomic get me laid? (Guest chart by Jessica Hagy)

Thanks to the amazing Jessica Hagy, creator of the truly amazing Indexed, a site full of fun and interesting charts less about numbers and more about relationships. I had a chance to meet up with Jessica at SXSW a few weeks ago and, after a rather poignant conersation, she decided to make this chart. Want to know the minute I knew me and Jessica were going to be friends? She’s embraced my motto:
It couldn’t come at a better time! As I mentioned the other day on The Tweepers, I was in a bike accident on Sunday and beyond any physical damage (stitches in my chin and a severe blow to my pride) I’m playing catch-up all this week. Those comic remixes I asked for a little while ago will be making an appearance this week, as will some guest comics from friends and colleagues.
Btw Nerds, where you at?
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The System 340: Why We Need Charts

My brother says this is begging for the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, but that would ignore all my friends in the world of social sciences. Instead, the Observer Effect works just fine, which gets at the root of the issue.
UPDATE: Systemic MikeASchneider has alerted me to the similarities between this comic and one done by XKCD. No piracy was intended, and I maintain that this one is prettier and better kerned. While I’m a fan of XKCD, I can’t say I’ve read every one. Great minds think alike, I suppose? For those wondering where all the graphic design jokes have gone, stay tuned. They aren’t far off.