The System 767: T-Shirts

Every t-shirt mashup site I know. Me, Jamie, Mikey, Marty, and Brandon were talking and I felt compelled to make this.
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The System 707: The Sweatshirt Problem

I’ve got real problems. Systemics, are you with me on this one?
Oh, and if you like this one you’d probably like The Cycle of Time Suck.
The System 682: Calling It

Yesterday was a day like this.
New Shirt Alert
So Kristen asked me to help design her a shirt with this phrase on it for her to wear, but then I liked the design so much we decided to not to be selfish and share it with the world. Did you know women make up less than 19% of congress even though they are 51% of the population? And that shirts are a great way to show people how you feel about things? Both are true.
- So there’s a t-shirt, and it’s available in men’s and women’s sizes from XS-2XL.
- It’s in limited edition preorder, which means that I’m only ordering the amount necessary to fulfill the preorder and no more. If you don’t order before October 21st, you won’t get one.
- They’ll ship on about November 4th.
- It’s in bipartisan-purple!
- Look how sweet this shirt is.
- There’s also an 11×17 poster!
Anyway, we’re currently at 5 preorders and we’re trying to get to 15 (the minimum I can order) in the next 2 weeks. Order away!
The System 522: Hanging Questions

Only a few more symbols to go! Of all the ones I first collected for The System, there are only a few I’ve never used. Here was the nine to go as of a few weeks ago:
After this comic, only a few left. Stay tuned!