The System 705: Practical Forecast
There will also be a 100% chance of not wearing pants.
See you at Katsucon / Necrocomiccon
The next two weeks I’ll be at conventions with Super Art Fight, bringing comics, shirts, books, and even ties to table with. All this stuff will be on my online store ( soon, but in the meantime here’s a sketch of what me behind a table is going to look like:
This Valentine’s Day weekend I’ll be at Katsucon at the National Harbor outside of DC with Super Art Fight. We’re doing two shows on Saturday (2:30 and an uncensored mess of a show at midnight) that you should be sure to check out.
Next weekend I’ll be in New Jersey at Voltaire’s Wicked NecroComicCon. Again with Super Art Fight and also with a table full of stuffs.
If you read the comic at all, be sure to come say hi. I love meeting Systemics and putting a face to a (user)name. You should not at all feel compelled to buy anything, and I normally like to give anyone who mentions that they read the comic something free. The secret phrase is “Marty Farts”.
The System 699: Cold Outside
Help keep everyone warm. If you’re in the DC/MD/VA area, here’s links to all the local numbers. If you’re not, I found this Tumblr post with a lot of local ones all over the US. If you’re in Florida, just enjoy it.
If you need the closest pizza, try Pizza Compass.
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The System 696: Winter
This comic is an actual conversation (monologue?) from Kristen. She’s from the south and thinks anything colder than 50 degrees Fahrenheit is the worst thing that’s ever happened. Then I got to the office the next day and Joanna (from the South as well) was dressed for the arctic and we were indoors. So I’m sensing a trend.
Is this like anyone you know?
Relevant: Girlfriend To Stay Underneath Blanket For Next 5 Months
Meanwhile, I’m sure you guys are wondering what’s happened to updating and the comic and the Kickstarter. In short, my day job has taken over many of my nights, which has thrown off the Kickstarter and with it updating the comic. My life’s a bit out of balance, and I’m working on bringing it back into balance and back to updating. I’m not disappearing and I’m not going anywhere. Just be patient, I’m working on it.
Thanks, everyone!
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The System 506: Office Forecast
This started as a joke about how hot it is outside and cold in most offices, and then turned into this. Steve’s a jerk.
The System 463: Snow Love
Some lessons learned from this chart:
- You can only enjoy snow so much (there seems to be a limitation on possible enjoyment), though that amount seems possible to increase with the correct sled.
- Sleds seem capable of turning potential energy into kinetic energy and happiness.
- Nobody likes going to work when you expected a snow day.
- Staying in can be fun, but exploring is even better. AKA the “Calvin and Hobbes” Principle.
The System 315: Snowkill 2009
It’s ridiculous out there, and nobody telling you “it’s gonna snow” can really prepare you for it. Btw, if you’re talking about the snow (which I hope that you are), tag it with #snowkill2009 and spread the word. We’re making it a thing.
Btw, if you’re really cold, cut open a Tauntaun! Turns out I know the guy who came up with this. His name’s Christian and he’s the kickass designer over at ThinkGeek. I’m a little jealous of his job.