The System 818: Stocking Up

A Quick Note About The Store
Did you know you could buy prints, t-shirts, and more from my online store?
Well, now you can’t for a while.
I’m taking down, the place for all the System Comic merch for a little while. Mainly because I’m moving in the next two weeks, and I need to pack up everything, and that includes the merchandise itself.
My current site was built by a friend, but so long ago that it just plain needs an overhaul. So I’m also going to use it as a time to move the site to a better platform, such as Shopify or Big Cartel or something similar. If you have used any of them and have any thoughts on which, please leave a note in the comments.
As soon as I’m settled in the new place, expect it to come back up with The System Book 1 (from the Kickstarter) for sale. Also ties, bags, and hopefully some new t-shirts.
In the meantime, start saving money! The store will be open (hopefully) in May.
The System 682: Calling It

Yesterday was a day like this.
New Shirt Alert
So Kristen asked me to help design her a shirt with this phrase on it for her to wear, but then I liked the design so much we decided to not to be selfish and share it with the world. Did you know women make up less than 19% of congress even though they are 51% of the population? And that shirts are a great way to show people how you feel about things? Both are true.
- So there’s a t-shirt, and it’s available in men’s and women’s sizes from XS-2XL.
- It’s in limited edition preorder, which means that I’m only ordering the amount necessary to fulfill the preorder and no more. If you don’t order before October 21st, you won’t get one.
- They’ll ship on about November 4th.
- It’s in bipartisan-purple!
- Look how sweet this shirt is.
- There’s also an 11×17 poster!
Anyway, we’re currently at 5 preorders and we’re trying to get to 15 (the minimum I can order) in the next 2 weeks. Order away!
In Honor of May 4th…
On sale for the weekend! DANGER: TRAP shirts for $10!
UPDATE: I’m running out of sizes, so I’m just gonna leave these prices until they are GONE. There are about 7 shirts left. As of this posting there are only small, medium, and x-large left. Act fast.
The System 545: How to Shorten Your Commute

This occurs to me every morning when I hear the traffic report.
All shirts are $15 this week!
BY THE WAY! If you’re looking for gifts for loved and not-so-loved ones this holiday season, check out the store, won’t you? The shirts are all MARKED DOWN FOR THE WEEK to $15. Yes, until Sunday, you can get all your shirts cheaper than before! And the Coffee and Venn Diagrams shirts are back in stock, as is the 28 Parsecs poster (by popular demand!).*
*Should that period go there? I was always bad with punctuation and parentheses which, interestingly enough, is the name of my School of Rock cover band.
The System 537: Universal Truths

It’s true. Most popular comics in the archive are:
- Being Angry on The Internet…
(339,127 Pageviews) - Being Mad in Traffic
(251,204 Pageviews) - Sharing Things on The Internet
(289,963 Pageviews) - I Played Super Mario Brothers Growing Up
(114,971 Pageviews) - People Can’t Drive
(90,138 Pageviews)
Oh, and what’s that? A new poster? OKAY! It’s only $10 and is, as you can guess, AWESOME. For more jokery in the description, or to purchase, click THIS HERE.
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Some things from my Tumblr and an art show…
I’ve been making some posters lately and putting them up on my Tumblr ( Some just for fun, some things I’m working on, and some that are for actual projects.
This first one (above) is for the Death Star Art Show, which is next weekend in Baltimore. Here’s some details:
On Friday, October 7th 2011, Baltimore area artist will pay tribute to the horror genre and a galaxy far, far away. Whether it is a mash up of your favorite movie monster playing an intergalactic bounty hunter or a direct reference between Dracula and the Sith, we got you covered. Death Star Art Show is proudly presented by the mega powers of Charmed Life Gallery and Super Art Fight.
You should click here to see the official Tumblr site for more details and more of the amazing artwork that will be at the show.
As for the “28 Parsecs Later” piece, the response was pretty great, so I’m going to make it available from the HilariAwesome store after the art show.
Also on Tumblr lately you can see my take on Wilford Brimley as Cthulu, a motivational typographic poster, and something about poop. I can’t garuantee a schedule, but I’m having a lot of fun doing these posters so there will probably be more soon. Every time I do one all I can think is “I went to school for this.” Then I laugh and cry a bit.
The System 529: Days Off

I feel this way all the time. I call it “giving a shit”. Also, this is a pseudo-followup to this comic from Memorial Day a few years ago.
Meanwhile, the other day I made a quick poster and posted an image of it online. People wanted me to make it for sale, so I did! You can now buy it from the store here. Or you can click the image below. If you’re not familiar with the source material, first read this and then watch this (that second one NSFW).
Professor Internet NOW ON SHIRTS!
Available to wear on your torso! Now for sale in preorder, here!
The System 485: Hipster-Jack

See also: The Hipster Union.
Speaking of the Hipster Union, it’s now on a t-shirt! American Apparel, of course. If you want girls sizes, they are ONLY available in preorder SALE (only $15), which will run for the next week. Get ’em before they sell out! And by that, I mean to a record label. It’s preorder, I’ll order as many as you guys tell me to. PREORDER HERE »
Oh, and don’t say “hipster-jack” three times in a row. If you don’t get that, don’t worry about it.