System in the Wild: Minimalist Superhero Designs
Remember System in the Wild posts? When you, the lovely fans, would send in examples of “System-style” artwork online and in the real world and send it to me, and then I’d post it on the site? Some of you certainly haven’t, as you still send them to me, of which I am grateful. I, of course, have been lax in posting any such examples for months now. But this example, when sent in, made me bring it back.
Systemic and Internet Bro Marty F’n Day, writer of the nerd culture blog Blast-O-Rama, has sent in this link. It’s a set of examples of minimal superhero suit designs, separated (theorhetically) by a key object that transforms them or something. It’s hard to say. Some make more sense than others in this case (the Green Lantern has a lantern in the middle, Spider-Man has a spider, but Reed Richards has a big “4”, Iron Man has a big iron, etc.) but all are cool looking. CHECK EM OUT HERE »
Have you missed the posts? Do you want me to go back to posting SitW posts? Let me know in the comments. If you have a good one, send it to systemcomic at gmail, but no guarantees on whether or not it gets posted just yet.
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System in the Wild: Sunday Funny Edition
Thanks to Systemic blcknwhtenred for sending this to me! MGG0829.gif
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An Earth Day Vid
I’m posting this video because:
- I worked on it (can you spot the influence?)
- It’s a “System in the Wild” post (see point 1)
- It’s Earth Day, you should think about this kinda stuff.
- It’s up for a Webby! You can vote for it here. In fact,
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System in the Wild: Photo Mode Edition
Here’s where people like yourself send me (systemcomic at gmail) images of cool or interesting examples of the characters used here in The System out in the real world and on other sites. If you see any good ones, send them my way!
First up from Systemic Duke, who finds the comic What the Duck using some familiar imagery. Specifically, all from photo modes. He writes, “In case your not a big camera person, the scene (including the photographer) is made up of the mode symbols from a camera. (Left to right, Landscape, sports, macro, night, auto and portrait)”. LINK »
This one from Systemic Josh, who has been traveling around the world in search of fodder for the site:
No dice on getting the pedestrian running sign in Cairo, but did find a good system in the wild from 3000 BC. To my eyes its someone stuck behind a desk… cube life in 3000 BC?
I’ll believe it. LINK »
One from Systemic Wizard. Apparently he’s not sure whether it’s a sign warning or advertising for prostitutes. I’m not sure myself. The article that goes with it sheds some insight. LINK »
That’ll do it for another SitW edition! Keep sending them in and I’ll keep posting!
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System in the Wild: Indian Sleeping Edition
Welcome to another edition of System in the Wild! You send me interesting images that figure the sort of artwork you see here featured in the system, and I post them on the site giving credit where it’s due. If you find the like, send them over to systemcomic at the gmail dotting com. I tend to post in 3’s, and try to keep it to the ones that are actually funny / interesting.
Systemic Noah sends in this one from his trip to India. There’s another sign in the background too if you click the link… LINK »
Systemic Jory sends in this one that has our man wrestling with laundry detergent. We’ve all been there, right? LINK »
Here’s one I dug up myself from BoingBoing. The article is on same sex marriage and how many nay sayers don’t even know why they’re against it. LINK »
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System in the Wild: Tufte Edition
Welcome to another edition of System in the Wild! You send me interesting images that figure the sort of artwork you see here featured in the system, and I post them on the site giving credit where it’s due. If you find the like, send them over to systemcomic at the gmail dotting com. I tend to post in 3’s, and try to keep it to the ones that are actually funny / interesting.
Systemic Kenny sends this my way, though as with most good posts BoingBoing beat me to it the other day. As you probably know, I’m a fan of Edward Tufte (hence all the infographic posts). You probably are as well, so check out this great wallpaper. I don’t know how I feel about their use of Gill Sans, but I do very much agree with the sentiment. Click the link, you’ll see what I mean. LINK »
This one comes from a new comment section of the first ever System in the Wild post and Systemic Margie. Huffington Post has posted a slide show of 16 of the oddest “prohibition signs”. They meant “System in the Wild signs” but I won’t hold that against them. This one was my favorite, telling you not to throw away babies. What’s yours? LINK »
Finally one from Systemic Martin of North Yorkshire, England. He was kind enough to send a note (and the image) after the post on Exit Fights.
After seeing the latest post on the argument about which emergency exit signage is best (Green bloke scarpering gets my vote!) I remembered reading a very dull article about health and safety improvements in UK/EU law in a very dull engineering magazine. This had a very literal ‘Exit fight’ as the article’s banner. Being a nerd; this amused me and I scanned and cropped the image for use as an avatar… and amusement purposes.
I’m with him for the green bloke. LINK »
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System in the Wild: No Really, The System in the Wild
It’s not often I get sent links to ACTUALLY The System seen in the wild. Still, it happens every once in a while when some die hard Systemics set their minds on it. Here’s 2 quick cases.
First up is from Systemic Corey, who sent this in the other night. That’s a print of The System 347 (unlicensed but I’ll let it go) on the wall of his college design lab. LINK »
Next up from Systemic Scott, showing off his HellVetica shirt (from in true form: on his scooter. LINK »
Got any pictures of things that look like The System, or ARE IN FACT The System? Send them my way at systemcomic at the gmail dot com!
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System in the Wild: Exit Fight Edition
From Systemic Brian comes this series of columns over at The Slate all about signage and wayfinding. It covers how standards were formed (Interstate vs Clearview even) all the way through Step 5 so far, about exit signs and their varied forms. If you’re at all interested in the design choices that get made with this stuff and what a large undertaking such a key part of our traveling infrastructure is, I definitely suggest you check out all in the 5-part series. Part 6 will be up by the time you guys see this as well, with something about online maps based on the graphic.
- Part 1: The Secret Language of Signs (Focusing on the highway system)
- Part 2: Lost in Penn Station (NYC subway signs!)
- Part 3: Legible London (Trying to navigate London and its Underground)
- Part 4: Do You Draw Maps? (Submit your own!)
- Part 5: The War Over Exit Signs
Thanks for sending it my way, Brian! Damn interesting! If you find anything, send it over to systemcomic at gmail!
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The Beast File Covers Google (SitW?)
Part System in the Wild, part Google is Scary. All interesting stuff! If you like it, check out other videos by The Beast File. I can’t find a web page for this project as a whole, but there’s plenty out there easily Googled. (See what I did there?)
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System in the Wild: Crosswalk Goes for a Walk Edition
Thanks to Systemic Justin for posting this one to his Twitter account. It shows the Tokyo Crowsswalk symbol going for a walk. More artsy than funny but the ending is pretty great. For more size / view options, here’s the original website as well as the Vimeo post.