The System 784: Commuting Today

Good, now I’ve drawn what a dumpster fire looks like.
The System 731: Watching It

Generally, when I try and yell at someone in a car, “WATCH IT!” is all I ever get out of my mouth. I wish anyone actually took it to heart.
Do you ever fare better?
The System 581: Experiences

The System 545: How to Shorten Your Commute

This occurs to me every morning when I hear the traffic report.
All shirts are $15 this week!
BY THE WAY! If you’re looking for gifts for loved and not-so-loved ones this holiday season, check out the store, won’t you? The shirts are all MARKED DOWN FOR THE WEEK to $15. Yes, until Sunday, you can get all your shirts cheaper than before! And the Coffee and Venn Diagrams shirts are back in stock, as is the 28 Parsecs poster (by popular demand!).*
*Should that period go there? I was always bad with punctuation and parentheses which, interestingly enough, is the name of my School of Rock cover band.
The System 530: How long until the next bus?

This one is dedicated to NextBus, DC’s public transit system WMATA, and the 15% of all busses on the timetables that actually don’t exist when you go to wait for them.
Oh yeah! SPX is this weekend here in the DC area! The Small Press Expo is a pretty amazing show, and performing as part of the Ignatz Awards is none other than SUPER ART FIGHT. If you are going to SPX, be sure to come by the Ignatz Awards and stay for our show! Should be about 10pm and runs about an hour.
If seeing me make an idiot of myself in front of a bunch of comic industry professionals isn’t enough, the show itself is also really great. I always find something new to like at this show, and attend just to walk around every year (though it would be nice to have a table).
Next year. I hope.
The System 484: Carscade

The CARSCADE, also known as the Karssler Effect, has been known to plague most urban and suburban areas, especially around rush hour. The Karssler Effect is (of course) a reference to the Kessler effect, also known as the ablative cascade. If you don’t know what that is, look it up. It’ll scare the bejeez out of you.
Danger: Trap 3 Days to Go
This shirt is still in PREORDER SALE through Wednesday, April 20th. That means it’s only $15 instead of $20, all for a little extra wait time. Also, you help support me and gauge how many shirts I should order. So order now here »
The System 386: What Car Horns Are Really Saying

It’s friday, and I couldn’t be happier. As a note to all, the iPhone does not make a reliable alarm clock. Lesson learned the hard way. Also, two pieces of note:
- Wednesday’s comic is spawning a shirt! As soon as I finish designing it. Stay tuned here or to (where the shirts live).
- The Coffee Wins Shirts contest will be posted today! Sorry for the delays, too many good entries!
Oh, and a quick note about readership. When you post comics to Reddit, Digg, forums, BoingBoing or whatever, I notice. Because it always results in a bump in traffic. I mention this because Wednesday’s comic on biking was posted to Reddit’s biking thread, and is now seeing a nice bump in traffic (that will hopefully translate to some shirt sales, which will hopefully translate to putting more time into the comic) thanks to Straw_Hat on Reddit. So thanks to him and all the others of you who share the comic. It helps, and it saves me from being “that guy” that posts his own comic to places.
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The System 365: Planning a Trip

This one goes out to those traveling to ROFLcon this weekend (like myself).
If you like this one on traveling, check out the previously featured Airport Insecurity, or the others with the Traveling tag.
For those of you that will be at ROFLcon, I’ll be bringing a good array of the store lineup. Come by and snag some merch, but be sure to make it to the SUPER ART FIGHT extravaganza on Saturday at 2:30pm. Here are some details on the matchups.