The System 459: Cycling Terms

Another “terms” comic. I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I love working on them. They always turn out well I think. Today’s comic is actually based on a true story of biking to work last week, where a guy zoomed by me, leaving only inches to spare, only to get pulled over a quarter mile later. Serves him right in my mind, as I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Makes you wish everyone just wasn’t in such a hurry all the time. Has this kind of thing ever happened to you?

To those that have stuck around since “chart-okalypse”, thanks! Hope you like what you’re seeing around here. As a recap on the chart, we’re working on a “PG” version of the chart as well as some more items that feature some of the artwork, including Professor Internet. Stay tuned to the site for more.

Another comic on Wednesday. To those in the US, hope you’re enjoying MLK day. To those outside, hope Monday isn’t sucking too hard.

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The System 457: To Scale

Welcome, Systemics to another fun-filled week of… fun here at The System. BIG THINGS are in store for the week, and I’m not just talking about the toothbrush shown here. So stay tuned!

Speaking of that giant toothbrush, I found out while researching this comic (yes, this comic took research) that there is a place online for ALL your giant novelty item needs. Need a giant hamburger? Giant toothbrush? GIANT WHISK? They gotcha covered. The best part? There’s videos. With a theme song. A-la “Will it Blend?” comes “Is it big?” (SPOILER ALERT: Yes.)

There are PLENTY more “Is It Big?” videos where that came from, if you dare. The song is “Big Time” by Peter Gabriel, which gets pretty stuck in your head. Be warned. Btw if someone wants to buy me the Giant Novelty Cup and Saucer, I will drink a cup of coffee out of it. Or hell, any of them. Who doesn’t need more giant novelty things in their life?

As far as the comic goes, this falls under the True Story tag. I have what is known as a “Wee Apartment” (under 300 sq. ft) and with a place that small, anything left out or foreign objects are automatically in the way of other things. It seems only fair that if something proportionally in the way in my tiny place should have an equivalent size taken up at her place in return, no? It’s the law of equivalent exchange! Or maybe I’ve been watching too much animé.

Ever leave things over at your girl/boyfriend’s? Thinking of bringing over a giant novelty item? Have Peter Gabriel stuck in your head? Share in the comments!


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The System 422: Personal Science – HEADphones?

See you in NYC!

I’m going to be at NYCC this weekend in New York City, sharing a table with Hawk of Applegeeks! Come find me in Artist Alley, I’ll have a table and everything. WILL I SEE YOU THERE? The correct answer is “yes and I’m going to give you money.”

I’ll have some new prints, comic prints, and shirts galore from my online store,

I’m on ZDNet

I’ve been working with Systemic SkawtNYC to reformat and create comics to go along with his blog posts over at ZDNet’s Tech Broiler. Today is one of those days where I did that. Be sure to check out his extremely detailed and well thought out posts for more of my comics. LINK »

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The System 398: Being Productive

What are all your daily rituals? Do you take breaks from your breaks? Sometimes, they can be a little much if they aren’t broken up.

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The System 394: Inverse Law of Computing

Sorry, Mom. While it hasn’t happened in a while, you know it’s true.

SEE ALSO: Rosscott’s Law, Last time I helped my mom with tech support, and some random comic from the archive.

Again, Connecticon! I’m there/here! Come by, there will be shirts, pins, and plenty of etc!

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The System 386: What Car Horns Are Really Saying

It’s friday, and I couldn’t be happier. As a note to all, the iPhone does not make a reliable alarm clock. Lesson learned the hard way. Also, two pieces of note:

  • Wednesday’s comic is spawning a shirt! As soon as I finish designing it. Stay tuned here or to (where the shirts live).
  • The Coffee Wins Shirts contest will be posted today! Sorry for the delays, too many good entries!

Oh, and a quick note about readership. When you post comics to Reddit, Digg, forums, BoingBoing or whatever, I  notice. Because it always results in a bump in traffic. I mention this because Wednesday’s comic on biking was posted to Reddit’s biking thread, and is now seeing a nice bump in traffic (that will hopefully translate to some shirt sales, which will hopefully translate to putting more time into the comic) thanks to Straw_Hat on Reddit. So thanks to him and all the others of you who share the comic. It helps, and it saves me from being “that guy” that posts his own comic to places.

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The System 385: Why I Bike

Why do you bike?

UPDATE: I’ve had some early feedback from people wanting this on a shirt. Are you one of them? If I get 10 people committing to it, I’ll put it up for preorder.

UPDATE UPDATE: It’s gonna be a shirt. All of you who commented, prepare those wallets!

UPDATE x3: How’s this look? Seriously, I want your opinion. If you’re not going to buy it, I’m going to change it. I’m reworking that. Stay tuned to the site, and the final shirt will be posted on the online store, Probably going to stay with that shirt color palette, just change up the design. If you’re looking for a cool biking shirt, check out the Bike Sniper shirt already in the store.

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The System 375: For the Environment

This story is true (as much as I didn’t want to clean more dishes than I had to). What do you do to be lazy for the environment?

Also, a quick hello to all the Explosm / C&H readers visiting from my guest comic. Say hi in the comments! Oh, and stay tuned! New shirt premieres this week! If you want a hint, you might want to re-read this comic.


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The System 373: Where My Kyles At?

A bit of a change of pace from yesterday, I know, but file this under true story, Kyle.

For those of you still sticking around from Slashdot, thanks! Topics around here tend to vary around maths, biking, offices, graphic design, coffee and general sarcasm. While you’re waiting for more mathy things, here’s some ways you can get involved in the site:

  • Send me cool stuff! I’m always looking for things to post about in the blog section. There’s a running series called System in the Wild where if you spot images like those seen in the comic you send them my way, for for that matter anything cool you find. Systemcomic at gmail dot com or via my Twitter account (@Rosscott) or the comic account (@Systemcomic).
  • Comment on things! There’s no official forum here, but the posts have become a bit of a community. My mom posts more often than not (under the name Rossmom), and so do a bunch of other cool people. Share your thoughts, ideas, and whatever else you feel like. Just remember the old addage best known as the Wheaton Rule: Don’t be a dick.
  • Buy stuff! Sounds capitalistic, I know, but the store helps keep the comic up and running. It’s better than donating and not getting anything more for it (because you are getting the comic for free after all). There’s prints, shirts, and soon to be more. So check out the store.

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The System 364: What to Say…

It’s a well-known fact that my mom reads this comic. It’s maybe not a well-known fact that my dad does not (on most days). Mom, this would be a bad day to tell him to start. Let’s just see if he finds it…

This is actually the 2nd comic based on a true story involving my father. The first being a quote he always says, “that’s how they get you.”

UPDATE: If you’re a fan (or a true Systemic), here’s two ways to help me out!

  1. If this is like your parents or someone you know, post so in the comments! I’m trying to prove to my Dad it’s universal and more about “parents” than him in particular.
  2. If you really like the comic,

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