The System 656: Choose Muffins

So tonight got interesting. I got home and was following the #SB5 coverage in Texas (abortion laws, filibusters, etc.) and saw this tweet:
— brownpau (@brownpau) June 26, 2013
So I posted this:
AP and CBS calling it passed. Twitter is calling it bullshit. CNN calling muffins fattening.
— One-Trick Studmuffin (@Rosscott) June 26, 2013
Clearly that got a little out of hand. (Thanks for sharing it, guys! Actually happened.) We’re all still figuring out what’s happening, but right now in this day and age I didn’t think to turn on my TV (which got paused on Netflix 4 hours ago and I never went back) I just turned to Twitter and Facebook. I’ve been watching the YouTube stream and now Christopher DiDo’s uStream ever since. I’ll update more in the morning or something.
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Ridiculously Detailed Arrested Development Chart
The title pretty much says it all, but look how thoroughly detailed this thing is:
Use it as reference throughout the new season (which is all on Netflix now). I’m a few episodes in and love it, but feel free to use the comments for this post to tell me and others your thoughts. I’ll be arguing with anyone that doesn’t think it’s awesome. COME AT ME, BROTHER.
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The System 650: C’est La Wifi

If you’re in the Philly area, come say hi at Wizard World Philly! I’m at booth 895 with Super Art Fight. We’re doing Super Art Fight as part of the convention, on Friday at 8:30pm @ Tavern on Broad and again on Sunday at 2pm in room 111.
Also I’ll be premiering a new t-shirt that some of you Jimmy the Murderdog fans will appreciate. It’ll be on the site next week…
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The System 645: General Malaise

The System 628: Don’t.

George Long once said “Don’t write anything you can phone. Don’t phone anything you can talk. Don’t talk anything you can whisper. Don’t whisper anything you can smile. Don’t smile anything you can nod. Don’t nod anything you can wink.”
Sounds exhausting.
The System 620: The Shelf Life of Home Exercise Equipment

Happy new year, Systemics!
It’s been a rough one around these parts, so this one is dedicated to those of you with new years resolutions. Let’s hope you make it longer than this guy.
If you’re on Twitter, and one of your goals is exercise related, I suggest you tweet about it as a way to help motivate, using the hashtag #teamnotfat. I do all the time. Join me, won’t you?
If you’re one of the awesome people attending Magfest this weekend, I will see you there! Super Art Fight has a show on Saturday at 3pm. See you there!
I know a lot of you are asking “what happened to the comic?” Life has been more than a little busy of late, but one of my goals for the new year is to start updating like the old days, and GET OUT A F*CKING BOOK. Stay tuned for more on that.
The System Guest Comic: Law & Order (By Cheerlessness)

A little System Comic Storytime:
A while back, I got in touch with a webcomic artist named Matan, who writes a webcomic in Hebrew called “Ho Lo” (roughly translated to “Oh Crap”, and if you can read Hebrew much better than I can, go read it now!) I asked him a million questions about it, since I wanted to know what it was like to write webcomics in Israel (Do they have any cons? How big of an audience can you get if your comic is in Hebrew? You get the idea). A while back, he let me know he started translating it into English and posting it as “Cheerlessness”, and now did this guest comic for my site. If you like it, you should go check out the rest of Cheerlessness at There’s a growing archive and, while lacking cheer, is pretty funny.
Thanks for the guest comic, Matan!
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Guest Comic: Corey

Systemic Corey (@CozworthGrind) heard my plea for a guest comic, and was the first to leap to respond. Considering this week’s rapture, his is up first. Thanks, Corey! Btw, his comic can be found at
If you, whether you have a webcomic or not, would ever like to do a guest comic, I’m always up for seeing what you have. I make NO GARUANTEES about it being posted, but I’m always listening. Just send it to systemcomic at gmail.
I’m out of town through June 9th, and thanks to Twitter have guest comics to help keep you all occupied! Hope you enjoy them, and expect a fresh new comic as well as a big 500th surprise upon my return after June 10th. Also, all new orders will not ship out until my return, be aware if you’re planning on ordering. See you all soon! -Rosscott
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The System 488: Ask The System

I’ve always wondered about self-referential things like this. Web sites about how to make web sites. Television shows about TV. Blogs about other blogs. And yeah, go cats.
Stay tuned, later today I’m posting a really long thing about web design and webcomics. Today’s the day.
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Shows to Devour (Continued)
I posted recently looking for shows to watch (original post here), and mentioned some I’d watched recently. The outpouring back was HUGE from you Systemics, THANK YOU! I live for the chances when this site gets to feel more like a community. Along with that, a lot of you posted shows that I actually HAVE seen that I forgot to mention. I responded to a lot in the comment of that post, but here’s an update. Here are shows I’ve already seen (and forgot to mention):
- Burn Notice / Blue Collar / Psych / Everything Else on USA
- Castle
- Pushing Daisies
- Doctor Who (Working through Fifth Season now. Didn’t think I’d like Smith but it turns out his intense subtlety and quiet moments are pretty great! He’s getting some really well-written episodes, too.)
- How I Met Your Mother
- The IT Crowd (Really wish there was more of it)
- Red Dwarf (Been a fan since Series 6 aired! There’s going to be more I hear, can’t wait!)
- Star Trek (Seen ’em all, except for half of Enterprise. So all I feel like seeing.)
- Bob’s Burgers (If H. Jon Benjamin is in it, I’ll watch it.)
- Archer (See above.)
- Dead Like Me
- Torchwood (Also brought on by my newfound love of Doctor Who.)
- Parks and Rec (I avoided it for a long time, but don’t think I can anymore.)
- Life On Mars
- Dollhouse (Heard it was bad, but FINE. JUST SO I KNOW WHAT EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT.)
- Babylon 5 (Is it good? I’ve heard mixed things. If people want to post on WHY I should watch it, I’d love to hear it.)
- Party Down (I’ve become a huge comedy nerd lately. How I haven’t watched all of this yet is beyond me.)
It’s great to see discussion on the site! If you guys have more show ideas, I’m listening to every comment on the site. I’ll try and keep you updated as I work through this. Hope you guys found some new shows to watch as well.