The System 745: Why There Will Always Be A New Social Network

Next time, we’ll cover the bit about how Twitter is turning into Facebook.
This comic was my last one for the “I Love Charts” collection, which was unfortunately has shut down for the time being. So you can expect a few less charts around here, as I won’t be cross-posting the ones that were premiering on
I did, however, post my full “bike theft” story on Medium as it seemed to lend itself to the format. I’ve been amazed how many people have commented (mostly in person) how much they followed along with the story. So, you can read the whole thing here.
Baltimore Comic Con
That was this past weekend,and it was a lot of fun! I went into the weekend expecting to set up and have a table and sell comics and things, but unfortunately my busy work schedule and lack of stable mental reserves of energy got in the way. If you looked for me at my table, I apologize. I was there both afternoons socializing with the rest of the Super Art Fight crew, but I didn’t have it in me to lug giant suitcases 160 miles round trip and spend every waking moment worrying about selling things. So, like many of you, I spent my “time off” hanging out at a convention. I haven’t just hung out a con in so long, it was glorious! Thank you to all of you who came by and chatted. I even somehow wound up selling 2 books, despite not really having a table “set up” at all.
SPX Next Weekend
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The System 734: Helping

When someone asks for help, lend a hand. Not just a:
Speaking of which, if you like this comic, I did a new one over at When the link goes up, I’ll post it here. Like right here where this sentence is. Here is the new post! Read it. It’s a good-un.
See you at Connecticon!
This weekend I’ll be at Connecticon with the Super Art Fight gang. I’ll have books, t-shirts, ties, prints, and generally ALL THE THINGS at my table in the Online Media Guests section. I’ll also be participating in 3 panels:
- Super Art Fight: UNLEASHED (Our 18+ no-holds-barred Super Art Fight gross-out spectacular)
- Super Art Fight: Main Event (Our big show with a BIG SURPRISE)
- Super Art Fight: The Podcast LIVE
All the info is going to be on Connecticon’s website. Meanwhile, come visit my table!
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Since I haven’t posted this stuff in a while, you can also follow my comic stuff through:
- The Facebook page:
- My personal Twitter @Rosscott
- The comic’s Twitter @Systemcomic
- Tumblr:
- RSS: (you can call that my RoSS feed)
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The System 681: Maturity

Even in the face of Armageddon I shall not compromise in this.
The System 671: Clicking

Every damn day.
The Kickstarter is still going. I could really use your help, I would love to get to $10k before it ends next friday. You want a book, right?
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The System 656: Choose Muffins

So tonight got interesting. I got home and was following the #SB5 coverage in Texas (abortion laws, filibusters, etc.) and saw this tweet:
— brownpau (@brownpau) June 26, 2013
So I posted this:
AP and CBS calling it passed. Twitter is calling it bullshit. CNN calling muffins fattening.
— One-Trick Studmuffin (@Rosscott) June 26, 2013
Clearly that got a little out of hand. (Thanks for sharing it, guys! Actually happened.) We’re all still figuring out what’s happening, but right now in this day and age I didn’t think to turn on my TV (which got paused on Netflix 4 hours ago and I never went back) I just turned to Twitter and Facebook. I’ve been watching the YouTube stream and now Christopher DiDo’s uStream ever since. I’ll update more in the morning or something.
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The System 640: Web Zen

There is only the joke. There is no joke.
Super Art Fight Kickstarter’s Final Days!
We are wrapping up on our Super Art Fight book Kickstarter, and can still use your help! While we have met our goal (thank you so much) we are still looking to make the book bigger and better, and are close to our next stretch goal. If we can raise another (as of this posting) $444 we will be adding an amazing comic about a prehistoric Super Art Fight to the book courtesy of Michael Bracco. You can learn more about it here.
Thank You Awesome Con DC
Thanks to everyone who came to Awesome Con. It was by far the one of the best cons I have ever been to, which is the highest praise I can possibly give to a convention that did not exist before this year. Oh, and it was less than 2 miles from my house, which also made it the most convenient convention I have ever been to. We did our amazing Super Art Fight on Saturday to a completely packed room. I’m finding YouTube vids of it and will post separately in the next few days.
For a little behind the scenes, sales were amazing. The best I’ve ever had at a convention. I had to run home on Saturday after the dealer room closed and bring back more prints and shirts to sell, because I had run out of everything. On top of that the fact that it was so close to home and I didn’t have to pay for a hotel or anything, it was flat out amazing.
I’ll write up more about the show soon, but thank you again to all who came out! As I always like to say, it’s great to put a commenter-name or site visit number to some faces. It’s heartwarming to know real people out there read this nonsense. Thank you.
More Shirts Soon
Keep your eyes peeled to the site because I’m going to be reordering a bunch of shirts that I am now out of over in the store. If you want a women’s shirt in any size, I don’t keep them in stock but am happy to order them for you. Just email me at systemcomic at gmail dotcom with which one you would like and what size and we’ll take it from there.
The System 552: Antisocial Networking

Something about this post description was messing with the RSS feed, so I had to delete it. It wasn’t that clever anyway.
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The System 502: The New Holidays

10,000th Tweet Day
Celebrated by: Reminiscing about tweets past. Singing songs like “Auld Slang Syne” and drinking. Silly hats are a must.
Traditional gifts: A new charger/battery for your Twitter-choosing device of choice. Cards should be no more than 140 characters. Sending photos of gifts and well-wishes via TwitPic and yFrog.
AIM Screen Name’s Bar / Bat Mitzvah
Celebrated by: Attending the event where your little boy screen name becomes a man (screen name). Witness as DrkwngDck1245 comes of age as he chats those on his buddy list with the chosen reading from the Torah, or more likely a link to a funny video that’s secretly a way to send your friend a picture of something they didn’t want to see.
Traditional gifts: Skype credits in multiples of 18, or a really nice Wacom pen.
Computer Warranty Expiration Day
Celebrated by: Wearing black, and looking back on the good times. The minute your warranty expires, your computer will start showing signs of age. The only real good news is the older your computer gets, the sooner you get to a new one.
Traditional gifts: A new computer.*
*Send money to systemcomic at gmail dot com.
What new holidays do you celebrate?
The System 475: Bad News Flares

Posted without comment, but feel free to leave yours with your own experiences.
Leaving for SXSW tomorrow. Check out the post I wrote about it, especially if you’re going to be there.