The System 782: The Worst Pun I’ve Written In A While
I wouldn’t blame you if you stopped reading my comics for forever.
Katsucon This Weekend
I’ll be at Katsucon this weekend in THE NEW ZELAND OF MARYLAND, National Harbor! I’ll have books, shirts, and prints. Come by for high fives! Also, if you haven’t seen Super Art Fight perform at Katsucon (we have a show Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and a Sunday podcast recording) then you haven’t seen Shakespeare the way it’s meant to be seen.
Magfest Next Weekend
The next weekend, in the same place, I’ll be doing the same thing. Only at Magfest, and with Super Art Fight shows as slightly different times. But come on by!
The System 696: Winter
This comic is an actual conversation (monologue?) from Kristen. She’s from the south and thinks anything colder than 50 degrees Fahrenheit is the worst thing that’s ever happened. Then I got to the office the next day and Joanna (from the South as well) was dressed for the arctic and we were indoors. So I’m sensing a trend.
Is this like anyone you know?
Relevant: Girlfriend To Stay Underneath Blanket For Next 5 Months
Meanwhile, I’m sure you guys are wondering what’s happened to updating and the comic and the Kickstarter. In short, my day job has taken over many of my nights, which has thrown off the Kickstarter and with it updating the comic. My life’s a bit out of balance, and I’m working on bringing it back into balance and back to updating. I’m not disappearing and I’m not going anywhere. Just be patient, I’m working on it.
Thanks, everyone!
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The System 237
Remember when I said “two comics on Monday”? I can’t figure out how to get ComicPress to post 2 comics on the same day, so we’re just going to keep the archive going from here and figure something else out.