The System 775: Working Late

The System 769: Printing

The System 758: Yeah

The System 729: Docking Around

Just a reminder, next week I’ll be in LA for Anime Expo and the week after at Connecticon!
The System 494: Working From Home

Some of you might disagree with me on this, but I’ll say it: Working from home sucks. This isn’t to say that working for yourself sucks, but working in the same place that you woke up in taxes on your soul after a while.
I changed jobs about a year ago, to one that let me work more on my own time and schedule, and a lot more from home. I thought it would be a great opportunity to get more things done on my own time. Unforunately, I’m just not built for that sort of thing.
I used to hate the idea of sitting in an office from 9–5 and the like, but I actually really miss it these days. I have to go out of my way to recapture a bit of that experience, because the truth is without that structure my motivation, productivity, and general attitude goes to shit.
If you’re different, more power to you. If you’re anything like me, here’s some tips that I constantly have to remind myself to follow:
- Keep to a routine, even a stupid one. Do the basic things anyway like getting ready in the morning, dressing like you’re about to be working, etc. Makes me feel lots more sane.
- Start each day by leaving your place. If you don’t it’s easy to get sucked in.
- Go out for little things. Start thinking of going out for food, coffee, groceries, etc. as payment towards sanity and an excuse to get out of the place. Maybe set up shop at a coffee shop for a few hours, especially if you drink coffee like I do.
- Make a to-do list. There are lots of systems for to-do lists from simple (a list) to complicated (a series of lists divided by importance and urgency) but whatever your system, keep to it.
- Talk to people. It’s the best way to stay sane.
- Set limits. Work some sort of hours (whatever works for you), and don’t slack off during them. Otherwise you wind up letting not-quite-working take up all waking hours, and you feel like shit by the end. Trust me.
As you can tell, this is a kinda personal issue for me. I’ve learned a lot this last year about how I work when I’m not at work, and I’m still learning. Share your thoughts, tips, etc. in the comments, because others, and myself, could use them.
The System 383: Interns

I once took that “job.” Actually, I took that “job” 3 times in college. How about you? Now’s a chance to share your intern experiences, or at least the internships you turned down because you deserve a full-time job, dammit.
Contest News: There’s 1 more day to enter the Coffee Art Wins Shirts contest!
Merch News: While the preorder sale has ended on the ‘My Body Is Just a Filter’ shirt, the shirt is still available with a longer wait time (as I order them from the printer). Thanks to all who preordered! Your preorders will help cover the cost to the printer, which is good cuz I’m kinda out of money.
The System 377: Getting Up Is Hard To Do

UPDATE: Typo is fixed!
Note that it’s “Getting Up” and not “Getting It Up”. Check back tomorrow, yes a Tuesday, for another fresh comic along with info on how YOU can win one of the new COFFEE SHIRTS that is currently AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER. Don’t worry, if you win one and you’ve already placed the preorder, I’ll give you the option of getting your money back on the one you already paid for (or you get two, your call).
The System 264

I looked around and through all the “chart jokes” I could find, I didn’t find one like this. Wonder where I would chart, considering I made the graph and the comic about the graph? For that matter, where are YOU on the graph?