The System 637: New Tax Rulings For 2013 (A Guide)

Hope this helps. Sorry, it wasn’t released until the day taxes were due.
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Happy Birthday, Rossmom!
Most of you know my mom from the website. She comments on every post, responds to many of you, and generally weighs in whenever possible. In fact, some of you are probably here because she handed you one of the official System business cards at a convention or while she was performing some errand or, my personal favorite, if you met her while she was on vacation on a cruise ship taking her picture and she said that you might like her son and his comic (ACTUALLY HAPPENED). In fact, I was asked recently if I had a publicist, and my response was “other than my mother?”
Anyway, in case this post wasn’t obvious, today is her birthday. I won’t say exactly how old she is, but it’s old. Really old. I know, I should be nice to her due to her birthing me and her advanced age, but she is also a large fan of the truth, and the truth is that she’s older than blogs, YouTube, cell phones, most televisions, and even MySpace. Oh and dirt.
The best thing I can say is that we all have my mom to thank for much of the humor on this site, as it is her upbeat and quirky attitude that I inherited that has led to many of the comics seen here. Except for the puns, those were all Dad’s influence. Blame him.
Anyway, leave her a post in the comments! She’ll be reading and thrilled I’m sure.
The System 427: Mommentary Discomfort

The System 394: Inverse Law of Computing

Sorry, Mom. While it hasn’t happened in a while, you know it’s true.
SEE ALSO: Rosscott’s Law, Last time I helped my mom with tech support, and some random comic from the archive.
Again, Connecticon! I’m there/here! Come by, there will be shirts, pins, and plenty of etc!
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The System Guest Comic: Magpie Luck

Last week in preparation for SXSW I asked for some guest comics to help pad the blow of getting back into the swing of things. Katie Sekelsky of Magpie Luck was kind enough to take me up on the challenge. Her comic is a beautifully drawn tale of a time traveler trying to set the world right, but she clearly knows what it’s like to be a designer. Good on ya, Katie!
Btw, I am generally on the lookout for guest comics. If you do a good one, I’ll probably post it. Send it over to systemcomic at gmail, but be warned that if I don’t like it I may not post. So make it a good one!