The System 640: Web Zen

There is only the joke. There is no joke.
Super Art Fight Kickstarter’s Final Days!
We are wrapping up on our Super Art Fight book Kickstarter, and can still use your help! While we have met our goal (thank you so much) we are still looking to make the book bigger and better, and are close to our next stretch goal. If we can raise another (as of this posting) $444 we will be adding an amazing comic about a prehistoric Super Art Fight to the book courtesy of Michael Bracco. You can learn more about it here.
Thank You Awesome Con DC
Thanks to everyone who came to Awesome Con. It was by far the one of the best cons I have ever been to, which is the highest praise I can possibly give to a convention that did not exist before this year. Oh, and it was less than 2 miles from my house, which also made it the most convenient convention I have ever been to. We did our amazing Super Art Fight on Saturday to a completely packed room. I’m finding YouTube vids of it and will post separately in the next few days.
For a little behind the scenes, sales were amazing. The best I’ve ever had at a convention. I had to run home on Saturday after the dealer room closed and bring back more prints and shirts to sell, because I had run out of everything. On top of that the fact that it was so close to home and I didn’t have to pay for a hotel or anything, it was flat out amazing.
I’ll write up more about the show soon, but thank you again to all who came out! As I always like to say, it’s great to put a commenter-name or site visit number to some faces. It’s heartwarming to know real people out there read this nonsense. Thank you.
More Shirts Soon
Keep your eyes peeled to the site because I’m going to be reordering a bunch of shirts that I am now out of over in the store. If you want a women’s shirt in any size, I don’t keep them in stock but am happy to order them for you. Just email me at systemcomic at gmail dotcom with which one you would like and what size and we’ll take it from there.
The System 332: Office Zen

Sorry for the delay on this one, Systemics. The creative well has been running a bit dry as of late.
Still, I think we have all been here. Does a good deed really go unnoticed? When it is to be noticed early in the morning in an empty office, I think so. I think there’s a follow-up about coffee somewhere in there.