Blip (Chiptunes) Festival
You may remember a little while back when I posted about the chiptunes documentary. Well, the event that brought it together, the Blip Festival, is happening again in NYC, December 4th. I have become a big fan of this stuff, and wish like hell I could make it for the fest. Sadly, there are one too many engagements keeping me away. I guess that narrows down the “cities I don’t live in” contest, huh?
If you can make it to this thing, please let me know. I’m interested to see what it would be like and would LOVE a full report. I would even post pics and things right here on the site, if one of you fine Systemics was so inclined. Just sayin…
Btw, I can’t decide if the above image (taken from the video contained at the link I’m posting) is awesome or creepy. You make the call!