Rosscott in the Wild: Katsucon Edition
You know what? I went to Katsucon a few weeks ago and haven’t posted a thing about it! For that, I apologize.
First off, welcome! Welcome to all of you new people who came across me and my stuff during Katsu, and decided to check out the site. Read comics. Go make funny read good*.
*Line ©Marty Fn Day
As for the con, many many thanks must go out. Thanks most of all to Onezumi and Harknell who put things together for webcomic artists. You are amazing. Thanks very much to everyone else, especially the friends I always rely on at cons (Nick, Marty, Dern, Brian, Garth, Brian, James, Nelly, Jamie, Jami, Rob, Chris, Barb, and the other 5 I’m sure I’m missing because I’m typing this so fast).
I was on some awesome panels with my friends as well as the Halfpixel guys (hi Brad, Kris, and Dave) and will post a link to that shortly. I also got to participate as the commentator for Super Art Fight, which is always a blast. I ate the most horriblest amazingtastic sandwich ever. Details here. Fan writeup here (mentions the sandwich).
Oh, speaking of seeing me in person, someone found me! I was spotted meeting up with all the other local Webcomic peeeps. The guy did a writeup about it, and I’ll leave the wording to him.
The reception was positive; Ross appeared quite thrilled to meet a reader in real life. We talked a bit about webcomics and got a photo, but then I had to leave as it was time to pick up my wife.
It’s true. I was totally thrilled to meet a reader in real life. As more conventions come up (and they will be posted on the site) I look forward to meeting more of you! Be warned: WEBCARTOONISTS MAY BE MORE HANDSOME THAN THEY APPEAR. Link to the writeup.