Webcomics Weekend: Friends of Mine (1 of 3)
Consider this the first of 3 Webcomics Weekend posts. This one is dedicated to all the people I went to Webcomics Weekend to hang out with. People that, if you haven’t guessed, I am actually friends with.
Brian Wilson, who put together a two-room suite full of webcomics people. His last comic was bad (and he felt bad) but his new one, Geist Panik, is totally worth your time. He may have been drunk for about 80% of the weekend. You can tell because that’s when he starts in with the nipple twisting. DON’T ASK HOW I KNOW.
Kev and Blondie of Caf-Fiends are the greatest power couple of webcomics I know. Screw the rest of you webcomic couples, these guys always go above and beyond for me. Their comic, about coffee, weird crap, and Cthulu (which I don’t count as weird crap anymore) is lots of fun and getting better all the time.
Dern of Dernwerks (I’m linking to Hello With Cheese because I like it best) was my travel companion for most of the way back. His new comic, HWC, along with artist Bryan Prindiville, is totally worth your time.
Of course, I have to give it up to Bree and Ami. They were drinking whiskey DURING the “Clever T-Shirt” panel. Genius.
NEXT TIME: (later today or tomorrow) will be all about the people I got a chance to meet in person (I may have been on a panel with some awesome comics people). THEN: The Aftermath (more examples as Rosscott in the Wild).
Do you have any pictures with me in them from Webcomics Weekend? Send them or link to systemcomic@gmail.com (or just post in the comments here)! The best one gets a prize! A real, actual, physical prize!